[LintCode][System Design] Singleton


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Singleton is a most widely used design pattern. If a class has and only has one instance at every moment, we call this design as singleton. For example, for class Mouse (not a animal mouse), we should design it in singleton.

You job is to implement a getInstance method for given class, return the same instance of this class every time you call this method.


In Java:

A a = A.getInstance();
A b = A.getInstance();
a should equal to b.


If we call getInstance concurrently, can you make sure your code could run correctly?



class Solution {
     * @return: The same instance of this class every time
    static Solution* getInstance() {
        static Solution *instance = NULL;
        if (instance == NULL) {
            mtx.lock(); // lock is used to keep to create only one instance when concurrently getInstance()
            if (instance == NULL) {
                instance = new Solution();
        return instance;
    static std::mutex mtx;

std::mutex Solution::mtx;

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