The American Accent Course:Consonsant

The America Accent Course-------The 50 rules you must know

The Consonsant Sound Rules

Rule One : Full Pronouncing Every Consonants

Rule Two: Voiced and Voiceless Consonants

Voiced Consonants :  Pronouncing with vocal cord vibration

Voiceless Consonants : Pronouncing without  vocal cord vibration

RULE  :   Vowel is longer before voiced consonant

Rule Three :  The "th" Sound

The pronouncing tip :  1.the tip is the tongue touches the upper teeth with the air  flow coming out

2.don't touch too hard to let air flowing

The voiced consonant "th" :  /ð/     The voiceless consonant "th" :  θ

Rule Four :  TheAmerican "L" Sound

The American "L" sound is prolong and softer

Tip :  Keeping tongue touch upper palate in the end of phoneme

Rule Five :  The American "R" Sound

RULE :  "R" is never silent  And  just curl tip and pull it back

Tip : The British English usually simplify the "R" if it's last letter of the words and silenting it while it following with consonsant phoneme

Rule Six :  The American "W" Sound

RULE :  Round your lips and let air flows out      I.E.   wait for me——"ROUND LIPS"

PS :  qui——/kw/

Rule Seven :  The "V" and "W" Sound

RULE :  The lower lip touches the upper teeth

PS :  The phoneme of "V" is similar to "W" ,  the only difference is mouth and vibration

Rule Eight :  The "S" and "Z" Sound

Cation :  The "S" is voiceless consonant with "Z" is voiced consonant

RULE :  The "s" in the end of word pronouncing voiced ("Z") when it follows voiced while pronouncing voiceless when follows voiceless("S")

I.E.  Book-------Books      bag---------bags  laugh---------laughs

Rule Nine :  The Stop and Continuant

The "Stop" :  The consonant  produced when we stop air flow(holding the tongue and the teeth or close lips)

The "Continuant" :  The sound we can continue air flow as long as we want when we pronouncing

I.E.    JOB----------stop                         YES------------continuant

RULE :  1.Prolong the continuant

2.Don't release the stop before a consonant(just like  close mouth stop replace stop consonant)

3.The stop usually pronounced by"T" or "D" in the end of word

Rule Ten : "T" between Two Vowels

RULE :  "T" between two vowels is a fast "D"

Rule Eleven :  "T" followed by "N"

RULE :  Hold the "T" followed by "N" , and simplify the other phoneme.

I.E.   written---------writtn       mountain---------mountn

Tip :  The phoneme between "T" and followed "N" would be omitted

Rule Twelve :  The "ING" Sound ———————————————CHECK AGAIN

RULE :  The "ING" Sound is pronounced with back of tongue touch upper palate

Rule Thirteen :  "TR" and "DR" Sounds

RULE : 1. The "TR" sounds like a short "Chr"    I.E.  Tree     Try    Introduct

2. The "DR" sounds like a short "Zir"(cn) or "Jr"(en)       I.E.    Dry    Dress     Dream

Rule Fourteen :  "TU" and "DU" Sounds

RULE :  1. The "TU" phoneme "tʃ" [Followed vowel is "tʃu" ]sounds like "Ch"(en) or "Qi"(cn)      I.E.    Actual   Statue  Nature

2. The "DU" [Not stressed phoneme] sounds like "J"         I.E.  Graduate       Educate       Schedule

3. The "T" followed by "you" sounds like "tʃu"               I.E.   want you---------wantʃ you

4.The "D" followed by "you" sounds like "Ju"                I.E.   would you----------woulj you

Rule Fifteen :  "ED" Endings

RULE :  1. If last letter is "T" or "D" , "ED" is a separate syllable       I.E.   Waited------waited ;   Need--------needed

2. If last letter is voiceless , "ED" become a "T" sound .        I.E.    Stopped-------stopt ;   Worked-------workt

3. If last letter is voiced , "ED" become a "D" sound .           I.E.    Robbed--------robd ;    Used----------used

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