
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. ---2Corinthians10:5

This is the other side of the devotee’s strenuous efforts to sanctify. Paul said, “I have sealed off all plans so that they will be converted to Christ. Today, how many Christians are undisciplined and impulsively! The Lord has done everything according to the Father’s will. No movement in him was to detach the Father’s will and following the private impulse. “The son cannot do anything by himself.” Look at ourselves—having a living religious experience, we impulsively put our plans into action, rather than binding them to obedience to Christ. The emphasis in this age is so great on practical work that those who fall prey to the Lord’s plan are criticized for not being zealous for God and not loving the soul.

True zeal lies in obedience to God, not in human, unfettered zeal in service. It is strange, but true, that the saints, before they have captured every plan, should be moved by nature- by a spiritual feeling that has not been self-disciplined- to the work of God.

It is easy to forget that man must be subject not only to Christ in salvation, but also to Christ’s view of God, of the world, of sin, and of the devil. That is to say, he must change by renewing his mind.

Dear God, I come before the presence. Give me your life in abundance, until my understanding, my imagination and my words belong to you. How great are you! because you have renewed my spirit and restored me to the joy of salvation?
