【文献解读】A MicroRNA Superfamily Regulates Nucleotide Binding Site–Leucine-Rich Repeats and Other mRNAs

A MicroRNA Superfamily Regulates Nucleotide Binding Site–Leucine-Rich Repeats and Other mRNAs

【文献解读】A MicroRNA Superfamily Regulates Nucleotide Binding Site–Leucine-Rich Repeats and Other mRNAs_第1张图片

1.背景:MicroRNAs (miRNAs):21 to 24 nucleotides long and processed by a Dicer nuclease from long RNAprecursors with base paired foldback structures (Baulcombe, 2004). Thesingle-stranded form of the miRNA forms a ribonucleoprotein complex withArgonaute (AGO) that can bind by base pairing to a target RNA


1) 当病菌入侵植物时,miRNA或者siRNA介导抗病蛋白(NBS-LRR proteins)相关mRNA的沉默会减弱,产生更多的抗病蛋白以抵御病菌入侵。正常情况下,维持一个较低的抗病蛋白水平(Costs and Benefits)。

2) Several of the bacterialeffectors of disease are suppressor of RNA silencing.

3) Truncated genes for NBS-LRRproteins in plant:Their transcripts could sequester miR482/2118 and thereby fine-tunethe suppression of NBS-LRR mRNAs.


tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)

versatile: [ˈvɜːrsətl]   adj.多才多艺的;通用的,万能的;多面手的

subtle: [ˈsʌtl]   adj.微妙的;精细的;敏感的;狡猾的;稀薄的

dampen: [ˈdæmpən]   vt.抑制;使…沮丧;使…潮湿 . 潮湿;丧气

plasmodesma:[,plæzmə'dɛzmə]  [细胞] 胞间连丝(plasmodesmata:plasmodesma复数形式)

asymmetrical:  [,esɪ'mɛtrɪkl] adj非对称的;不匀称的,不对等的

potent: ['potnt]   adj.有效的;强有力的,有权势的;有说服力的

比较级:more potent; 最高级:most potent

Potentiate:[pə(ʊ)'tenʃɪeɪt]  vt.加强;赋与力量 n. 统治者

The increased NBS-LRR proteins in infectedcells would also potentiate effector-mediated immunity due to secondaryinfection.

Speculation: [ˌspekjuˈleɪʃn]   n.投机;推测;思索;投机买卖

Envision:[ɪnˈvɪʒn] vt.想象;预想

1.Weenvision thatplants would benefit from low levels ofNBS[1]LRRproteins due to miR482/2118 if infection pressure is low or if they have otherlayers of defense against pathogens.

2. Wespeculate that the variation in the sequencesand expression level of the miR482/2118 superfamily (Figures 1 and 2) is likelyto reflect the shift inthe balance of the costs and benefitsin different plants depending on the environment and otherdefense systems.

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