你可以使用一个嵌套的SVG来把元素组合在一起然后在父SVG中定位它们。现在,你也可以把元素组合在一起并且使用group组来定位-通过把元素包括在一组元素a group element中。你可以使用transform属性在画布中定位它们。然而,使用一个元素必然优于使用元素。使用x和y坐标来定位,在许多情况下,比使用变换更加方便。另外,元素接受width和height, 元素不行。这意味着,元素可能并不总是需要或必须的,因为这会导致创建一个新的视图和坐标系统,您可能不需要或不希望这样做。
因为我们在DOM中使用了svg,并且因为这个svg实际上包含在外层svg中,我们遇到的嵌套svg的状况和我们在之前一章讨论到的并没有多少不一样-嵌套的svg形成了一个新的viewport。嵌套svg的viewBox是在symbol元素上声明的viewBox。(symbol元素接受viewBox元素值。更多信息,阅读这篇文章:Structuring, Grouping, and Referencing in SVG – The )
An iframe element that references an SVG file establishes new viewport similar to the situation of image element explained above. An iframe element can also have x, y, width, and height attributes, in addition to its own preserveAspectratio.
Establishing a new viewport using
A foreignObject element creates a new viewport for rendering the content that is within the element.
The foreignObject tag allows you to add non-SVG content into an SVG file. Usually, the contents of foreignObject are assumed to be from a different namespace. For example, you could drop some HTML in the middle of an SVG element.
The foreignObject element accepts attributes, among which are x, y, height, and width, which are used to position the object and size it, creating the bounds used to render the contents referenced inside it.
There is a lot to say about the foreignObject element besides its creation of a new viewport for its content. If you’re interested, you can check the MDN entry or check this practical use case by Christian Schaeffer on The Nitty Gritty Blog.
Wrapping Up
Establishing new viewports and coordinate systems—be that by nesting svgs or another element from the ones mentioned above—allows you to control parts of the SVG that you would otherwise not be able to control the same way.
The entire time that I was working on this article and thinking of demos and use cases, all I kept thinking of is how nesting SVGs can give us finer control and flexibility for when we’re dealing with SVGs. Adaptive SVGs can be created with neat effects, fluid elements inside SVGs that are independent of the other elements on the page are possible, mimicing CSS border images for crispier backgrounds on high-resolution screens, and so much more.
Have you created any interesting examples using nested viewports in SVG? Can you think of more creative examples?
This article concludes the series of “Understanding SVG Coordinate Systems & Transformations”. Next up, we’ll be diving into animations, and more! Stay tuned, and thank you for reading!
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原文链接:Understanding SVG Coordinate Systems and Transformations (Part 3) — Establishing New Viewports
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package edu.xidian.graph;
class MyStack {
private final int SIZE = 20;
private int[] st;
private int top;
public MyStack() {
st = new int[SIZE];
top = -1;
public void push(i