Cocoapods Installation

# Update ruby gems.

$ gem update --system

> […]

# Check current ruby gems version.

$ gem -v

> 2.6.10

# Change the gem source to an up-to-date available gem source within GFW.

$ gem sources --add --remove

> […]

# Check current gem sources and make sure there is merely the updated source.

$ gem sources -l


# Toggle the pod binary installing path to /usr/local/bin to get ride of permission forbidden in /usr/bin directory.

$ sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods

> […]

# Go to [~/.cocoapods/repos] and type following command to setup cocoapods instead of using [pod setup].

$ git clone master

> [Just wait a second it'll start to count Files to be downloaded…Your'll see percentages moving on as it starts out..]

# Go to your project directory which gets pod files involved.

$ pod install

> […]

These are experimental summarising workflows which partially reference to following passages:


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