烈焰焚情,焚火以心——《Plata quemada》

They called them the twins. They were always together. But they weren't brothers. They didn't even look alike. All they had in common was the way of looking, the still eyes, the lost glare.

**El Nene was a renegade of family and class. The stray black sheep. He was pale as if he'd been in jail longer than he had really been.
Angel wasn't even from here. He was heavy, quite, very superstitious. He always saw bad signs that got in his way. **

They bumped into each other the first time in the station toilets where Nene used to go for sex.
Angel was wandering. He'd run out of money and had nowhere to go. Nene offered him refuge in his flat.
Moved, almost as a warning, Angel confessed his secret.
Angel: I hear voices···all the time···inside here.
Nene: Coming or not?

(Nene smoked, Angel drank. Angel put the winebottle into Nene's pocket and took Nene's cigarette.)
**That night Nene and Angel slept together. They were never apart since. They're "The Twins" to everyone. Everyone knows: they work together or not at all. **

【Angel refused Nene's touch.】
From the beginning, Angel and Nene slept together. But in the last month, Angel has avoided any contact with no explanation. Something has broken between them.
So now they're looking forward to the heist. When they work ,they know they're The Twins again.

【Angel got hurt, Nene wanted to anesthetize Angel.】
**Nene: Sure you don't want a hit?
Angel: I prefer the pain. Because of the voices···It keeps them away. **
(Nene calmed Angel down.)
**Nene: What did I say? Stay put. When the worst comes, I'll tell you. **

【Angel's monologue:】
**Buenos Aires, it's shit. Worse than Bilbao, worse than Marseille. Buenos Aires is a prison. The streets are like a prison yard. People move quietly, dryly. Looking cautiously as if to avoid being wiped out.
I wish I never come back. I wish means I desire. I desire Nene, I wish he leaves Buenos Aires. He likes his city. He hates himself, he feeds in hate. I want to save him. I can save him. Somewhere else. **

【Angel and Nene talked on the boat.】
Angel: You shouldn't smoke here.
Nene: Why?
Angel: It's not advisable. The light. Spirits can spot you.
Nene: The spirits?
Angel: Yes.
Nene: Do these spirits swim?
Angel: They float. They're lighter than water, and they shine. They follow you, as if you were one of them.
Nene: Since when you believe in ghosts?

(Angel took away Nene's cigarette and scrunched it.)
【Nene's monologue:】
Angel's fingers always smell the same. They smell like saw dust, like gunpowder. Like blood, like sex. They remind me of things. The toilets at Constitution. The jobs, the road. Cheap hotels, getting undressed. Darkness.

Cuerve: Vivi has my heart but I have my cock with me.

【Angel refuesed Nene's touch again. Angel's monologue:】
**I don't want to hurt him. But I can't help. I also feel like it. I want to. But I mustn't. The voices are not to blame. The say I should, they say I shouldn't. They call me "fag","fairy","saint". They want to confuse me. But I know what to do. The semen. You have to save it. It's sacred. Nene doesn't get it, I'm trying to save him. No semen, no God. Semen is sacred. **

【Angel drowned himself into water. Angel's monologue:】
**You live in your head. That's what you become a head, a skull.
In jail I went queer, drug addict, gambler, peronist. I learned to fight to death, to play chess, to smash the face of anyone who looked at me the wrong way, to make little figures out of cigarette paper, to fuck standing up, to lose myself in a book and never come back.
And I built houses in my mind. Only to blow them up again. **

【In the church, Angel saw a sentence:】
"What if you die tonight?"
(At the same time, Nene forced a man.)
Nene: What are you looking at? Queer. Faggot. Do you hear me? Pervert,fag! Sodomite! Scum. Are you going to cry?

【An allegory:】
In Africa they use a simple technique to trap monkeys. They make a hole in a wooden box and put a banana in it. The monkeys put their hand in and take the banana. When they want to take it out, they can't. Their fist gets stuck. Getting free is simple, just drop the banana. But they don't, they stay in the trap. Sometimes letting things go is smart.
Strange. I thought it was a story about human nature. The way it always betrays us.

【Angel closed the door and refused to meet Nene. Angel gripped the Maria necklace with his teeth to be silence.】
Nene: Angel, let me in. Are you better? Cleaning the wound? Will you go on with this? What do you want me to do? Tell me. What? Talk to me, Angel. Say something. Say something.

【A prostitute accosted Nene.】
**Prostitute:Are you alone?
Nene: With my twin brother. Angel, my only family. He's always after me. He says I look after him. Funny. He knows me, the bastard, as if he'd given birth to me. He knows what I want before I do. He knows what I'm going to do···
Now···It's hard for me. He's not an easy guy. Suddenly···Now he's not well. If you talk to him, he won't answer. He hears voices. But he's not crazy. The voices talk normally. They guide him. Sometimes I think, I'm one of the voices inside him. I'm the asshole, I don't get him. What more could I want? I'd do anything for him. Anything. I'd get myself killed.
Prostitute:You're in love, then. **

【Nene came back and found Angel suicided.】
** Nene: I'm here··· I'm here with you···**

【Nene and Angel talked on the beach.】
Angel: Are you going out tonight? What do you do at night, when you go out?
Nene: I went to the cinema the other night.
Angel: Did you meet people?
Nene: Do you want me ?
Angel: I think that···
Nene: What?
Angel: Nothing.
Nene: Last night···Was it tonight?
Angel: No. The usual.
Nene: Your voices.
Angel: My voices? Am I the only one who hears them?What about you? Don't you hear voices making fun of you? Voices that criticize you? That confuse you? "That's wrong.""If you carry on like this you'll lose him.""He'll find someone better, you'll see."

【Angel questioned Nene:】
**Angel: Look at me. Why don't you look at me? **

【Nene gave the prostitute comfort:】
Nene: My brother 's gone. Come with me. I want you to come. What we have to lose?

【Angel questioned Nene again:】
**Angel: It's me. Angel. I'll go psychotic. I'll lose my mind. Are you listening? **

【The choices:】
**Prostitute:We could go ···but not all of us.
Nene: Would you do that for me?
Nene: You could get killed.
Nene: What's up, Angel?
Prostitute:Is that Angel? Your twin brother? I'm Giselle. Did he tell you about me? No, I see he hasn't. Giselle is a secret. But he told me about you. Is it true you hear voices? What do you they say? I'm curious.
Nene: Shut up.
Prostitute:He suffers for you. Did you know? He says he can't understand you. That's why he wanted to leave with me. He'd had enough. We were···
Nene: Shut up!
Angel: Let her talk···
Nene: Angel···
Prostitute: You have to choose. **

【Nene pushed the prostitute out of the house. And begged the forgiveness from Angel.】
Nene: It's me. Forgive me. Forgive me, please.
Angel: Has she gone?
Nene: Yes.
Angel: Is she coming back?
Nene: No.
Angel: Did you care for her?
Nene: No. She was just a place to hide, that's all.

【Nene and Angel became close as before.】
Angel: I can't hear anything. The voices, they've gone. Perfect silence.
Nene: Why whisper?
Angel: So I don't wake them.
Angel: What is it?
Nene: You just lean on me and I get a hard one. It's mathematical!
Angel: Me, too.
Nene: It's not the best time.
Nene: We were close.
Angel: Were?
Nene: We're not through yet. We still have the money.

Nene came up the idea of burning money. Nene and Angel burnt all the money.

【Nene was shot.】
**Angel: Nene, listen to me. Can you hear me? I'll get you out of here. Do you think I'd leave without you? Can't you imagine Chancho's face when he sees just ashes? Nene·····
Nene: I hear···voices···
Angel: Shut up!
Nene: There. **
(Angel shot in that direction.)
Angel: There are no voices, not any more. You can't hear them anymore, can you?
(Angel took off the necklace and had Nene wore it. Angel prayed.)
**Angel: Hail Mary, full of frace the Lord is with thee. And blesseed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God. Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death···
Nene: ····(Say something.)
Angel: Yes, of course. Always, what did you expect? We're nearly there. We're almost there. In a few minutes we'll be far away from here. You'll see. You'll see. How far away we'll be. **
(Nene died in Angel's arms.)
**Angel: You'll see. You'll see how far we'll be. **
(Gunshot went off.)

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