XenMotion,Vmotion和Live Migration分别是Xen(XenServer),VMware(ESX)和Microsoft(Hyper-V)的非常重要的一个功能,也是众多IT人员非常喜欢的功能.
最近在研究Xen的产品,搭建Resource Pool时发现有这么一个问题,顺便研究了一下.
Requirements for creating Resource Pools
A Resource Pool is an aggregate of one or more homogeneous XenServer Hosts, up to a maximum of 16. The definition of homogeneous is:
- each CPU is from the same vendor (in particular AMD-V and Intel VT CPUs cannot be mixed);
- each CPU is the same model (except for stepping); and
- each CPU has the same feature flags.
In addition to being homogeneous, an individual XenServer Host can only join a Resource Pool if:
- it has a static IP address (either manually assigned or via DHCP);
- it is not a member of an existing Resource Pool;
- it has a clock synchronized to the pool master server (e.g. via NTP);
- it has no shared storage configured; and
- there are no running or suspended VMs on the XenServer Host;
XenServer Hosts in Resource Pools may contain different numbers of physical network interfaces. Local storage repositories may also exist, of varying size. In practice, it is often difficult to obtain multiple hosts with the exact same CPUs, and so minor variations are permitted. If you are sure that it is acceptable in your environment for hosts with varying CPUs to be part of the same Resource Pool, then the pool joining operation may be forced.
他的要求比较严格,首先是同一个厂家的产品,其次是相同型号,再次是相同的Feature Flags。
我所用的两台机器的CPU分别是Intel XEON E5530和Intel XEON E5310,所以不能加入到同一个Resource Pool,不能实现XenMotion
VMware Enhanced VMotion Compatibility (EVC)—available in VMware Infrastructure 3 beginning with
version 3.5 Update 2—facilitates VMotion between different CPU generations, taking advantage of Intel Flex
Migration and AMD‐V Extended Migration technologies. When enabled for a cluster, EVC ensures that all
CPUs within the cluster are VMotion compatible. CPUs starting with Intel 45nm Core 2 (Penryn) and AMD
Second Generation Opteron (revision E or F) incorporate FlexMigration and Extended Migration technologies,
Most of the well-behaved applications written use the recommended method of querying processor features available through calling the CPUID instruction. In the virtualization environment, when a VM is moved to another server the software applications running inside VM are completely unaware of the change. An application may try to execute CPU features that it discovered when it was started on source host but they may not be present on the destination host. The virtualization platform needs to ensure applications continue to run successfully. This is performed by the processor compatibility check. The processor compatibility check is performed before restoring a running VM on the destination to ensure destination host has identical or superset of source host’s CPU features. As per the compatibility check if a VM is moved from host A to host B, depending upon processor features of host A and host B, the VM migration might fail or succeed. See below table for details.
ost A processor features
Host B processor features
VM migration
Same as host B
(features: X, Y, Z)
Same as host A
(features: X, Y, Z)
Host A to Host B,
Host B to Host A
Superset of host B
(features: X, Y,Z)
Subset of host A
(features: X, Y)
Host A to Host B
Host B to Host A
Subset of host B
(features: X, Y)
Superset of host A
(features: X, Y,Z)
Host A to Host B
Host B to Host A
Different set of host B*
(features: X, Y)
Different set of host A*
(features: Y, Z)
Host A to Host B
Host B to Host A
*There are no processors today that fall into this scenario but it is possible in future when processor vendors stop shipping some rarely used features.
While processor computability check provides robust VM migration, it also reduces flexibility, so starting Windows Server 2008 R2 RC Hyper-V introduces Processor compatibility mode capability that will allow VM migration between hosts A and B successfully.