

graph --> RBGL -->Rgraphviz

Table: The intro. of three packages

package name description interface
graph Provides the basic class definitions and functionality /
RBGL Provides an interface to graph algorithms (such as shortest path, connectivity etc) the R interface to the Boost Graph Library
Rgraphviz Provides rendering functionality the R interface to the AT&T GraphViz plotting software


graph package 要点记录

create the graph

  1. create the random graph by randomEGraph()
  2. to see the graph properties: ?GraphvizAttributes() for all properties; getDefaultAttrs() will take a partial global attribute list
  3. manipulate one graph(connComp() subGraph() ``) and between graphs(union, intersection and coercion)
  4. some graph exploration algo.
graph 官方说明文档

Note the the subGraph is very useful to plot the layout cluster!

use Rgraphviz to rendering the graph

use new interface

可以按照Rgraphviz 官方文档进行学习,讲的非常的具体!

in order to make your work down

新式的grpah 绘制方式虽然比原来的方式要显得简单很多,但是在实际的使用中,新式的绘制方法很多功能在官方文档中讲的不是很具体,所以我们应该要两个文档结合着来看!
