

  • CALayer的说明


从中我们可以看出 CALayer遵循了三个代理协议,其中主要说说 NSSecureCodingCAMediaTiming
NSSecureCoding继承自 NSCodingNSSecureCodingNSCoding是一样的,除了在解码时要同时指定 key和要解码的对象的类,如果要求的类和从文件中解码出的对象的类不匹配, NSCoder会抛出异常,告诉你数据已经被篡改了。

    /* The begin time of the object, in relation to its parent object, if
     * applicable. Defaults to 0. */
    public var beginTime: CFTimeInterval { get set }

    /* The basic duration of the object. Defaults to 0. */
    public var duration: CFTimeInterval { get set }

    /* The rate of the layer. Used to scale parent time to local time, e.g.
     * if rate is 2, local time progresses twice as fast as parent time.
     * Defaults to 1. */
    public var speed: Float { get set }

    /* Additional offset in active local time. i.e. to convert from parent
     * time tp to active local time t: t = (tp - begin) * speed + offset.
     * One use of this is to "pause" a layer by setting `speed' to zero and
     * `offset' to a suitable value. Defaults to 0. */
    public var timeOffset: CFTimeInterval { get set }

    /* The repeat count of the object. May be fractional. Defaults to 0. */
    public var repeatCount: Float { get set }

    /* The repeat duration of the object. Defaults to 0. */
    public var repeatDuration: CFTimeInterval { get set }

    /* When true, the object plays backwards after playing forwards. Defaults
     * to NO. */
    public var autoreverses: Bool { get set }

    /* Defines how the timed object behaves outside its active duration.
     * Local time may be clamped to either end of the active duration, or
     * the element may be removed from the presentation. The legal values
     * are `backwards', `forwards', `both' and `removed'. Defaults to
     * `removed'. */
    public var fillMode: String { get set }

beginTime 继承CAMediaTiming协议的对象的起始时间
duration 基本动画的持续时间
timeOffset 动画的时间偏移,也就是上次动画的暂停/继续 距离本次动画的继续/暂停的时间差
repeatCount 重复次数
CAFillModeRemoved 这个是默认值,也就是说当动画开始前和动画结束后,动画对layer都没有影响,动画结束后,layer会恢复到之前的状态
kCAFillModeForwards 当动画结束后,layer会一直保持着动画最后的状态
kCAFillModeBackwards 这个和kCAFillModeForwards是相对的,就是在动画开始前,你只要将动画加入了一个layer,layer便立即进入动画的初始状态并等待动画开始.你可以这样设定试代码,将一个动画加入一个layer的时候延迟5秒执行.然后就会发现在动画没有开始的时候,只要动画被加入了layer,layer便处于动画初始状态
kCAFillModeBoth 理解了上面两个,这个就很好理解了,这个其实就是上面两个的合成.动画加入后开始之前,layer便处于动画初始状态,动画结束后layer保持动画最后的状态.

  • 下面进行实例演习
    fileprivate func beginAnimation() {
        let rotateAnimation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "transform.rotation.z")
        rotateAnimation.fromValue = 0
        rotateAnimation.toValue = (Double.pi * 2)
        rotateAnimation.duration = 20
        rotateAnimation.repeatCount = MAXFLOAT
        singerImageView.layer.add(rotateAnimation, forKey: "")


extension CALayer {
    func pauseAnimation() {
        let pausedTime = self.convertTime(CACurrentMediaTime(), from: nil)
        self.speed = 0.0;
        self.timeOffset = pausedTime
    func resumeAnimation() {
        let pausedTime = self.timeOffset
        self.speed = 1.0
        self.timeOffset = 0.0
        self.beginTime = 0.0
        let timeSincePause = self.convertTime(CACurrentMediaTime(), from: nil) - pausedTime
        self.beginTime = timeSincePause


