
隶属于文章系列:大数据安全实战 https://www.jianshu.com/p/76627fd8399c

  • 安装
  • 配置
    • 配置服务端
    • 配置客户端
  • 生成数据库
  • 启动


ansible all --become -m shell  -a "yum install db4 db4-utils db4-devel cyrus-sasl* krb5-server-ldap -y"
ansible all --become -m shell  -a "yum install openldap openldap-servers openldap-clients openldap-devel compat-openldap -y"


rpm -qa openldap

rpm -qa krb5-server-ldap


  • 数据库配置文件
rm -rf /var/lib/ldap/*
cp /usr/share/openldap-servers/DB_CONFIG.example /var/lib/ldap/DB_CONFIG
chown -R ldap:ldap /var/lib/ldap
  • 为Kerberos准备schema
cp /usr/share/doc/krb5-server-ldap-1.15.1/kerberos.schema  /etc/openldap/schema/
  • 修改 /etc/openldap/slapd.conf
vi slapd.conf

include /etc/openldap/schema/corba.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/core.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/duaconf.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/dyngroup.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/java.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/misc.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/nis.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/openldap.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/ppolicy.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/collective.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/kerberos.schema
pidfile /var/run/openldap/slapd.pid
argsfile /var/run/openldap/slapd.args
loglevel -1

access to dn.base=""
    by * read

access to dn.base="cn=Subschema"
    by * read

access to attrs=userPassword,userPKCS12
    by self write
    by * auth

access to attrs=shadowLastChange
    by self write
    by * read

access to *
 by * read
# Providing access to realm container
#access to dn.subtree="cn=TT.COM,cn=krbcontainer,dc=javachen,dc=com"
access to dn.subtree="cn=krbcontainer,dc=javachen,dc=com"
    by dn.exact="uid=krb5kdc,ou=people,dc=javachen,dc=com" manage
    by dn.exact="uid=kadmind,ou=people,dc=javachen,dc=com" manage
    by dn.exact="uid=ldapadmin,ou=people,dc=javachen,dc=com" manage
    by * manage
"slapd.conf" [New] 41L, 1283C written
chown -R ldap:ldap /etc/openldap/slapd.d && chmod -R 700 /etc/openldap/slapd.d


[root@vm10-247-24-53 openldap]#  slaptest -f /etc/openldap/slapd.conf -F /etc/openldap/slapd.d
  • 修改 /etc/sysconfig/slapd
# OpenLDAP server configuration
# see 'man slapd' for additional information

# Where the server will run (-h option)
# - ldapi:/// is required for on-the-fly configuration using client tools
#   (use SASL with EXTERNAL mechanism for authentication)
# - default: ldapi:/// ldap:///
# - example: ldapi:/// ldap:// ldap:// ldaps:///
SLAPD_URLS="ldapi:/// ldap:///"

# Any custom options

# Keytab location for GSSAPI Kerberos authentication
export KRB5_KTNAME=/etc/openldap/ldap.keytab



# LDAP Defaults

# See ldap.conf(5) for details
# This file should be world readable but not world writable.

#BASE   dc=example,dc=com
BASE    dc=javachen,dc=com
URI     ldap://v-worker3-kdps.sz.kingdee.net
#URI    ldap://ldap.example.com ldap://ldap-master.example.com:666

#SIZELIMIT      12
#TIMELIMIT      15
#DEREF          never

TLS_CACERTDIR   /etc/openldap/certs

# Turning this off breaks GSSAPI used with krb5 when rdns = false



[root@v-worker3-kdps cn=config]# ll
total 68
drwx------ 2 ldap ldap  4096 Jan 30 15:39 cn=schema
-rwx------ 1 ldap ldap 45804 Jan 30 15:39 cn=schema.ldif
-rwx------ 1 ldap ldap   584 Jan 30 15:39 olcDatabase={0}config.ldif
-rwx------ 1 ldap ldap   596 Jan 30 15:39 olcDatabase={-1}frontend.ldif
-rwxrwxr-x 1 ldap ldap   695 Jan 30 15:53 olcDatabase={1}monitor.ldif
-rwxrwxr-x 1 ldap ldap  1498 Jan 30 15:53 olcDatabase={2}bdb.ldif

解决config error processing cn={1}core,cn=schema,cn=config: olcAttributeTypes: Duplicate attributeType: "2.5.

olcAttributeTy>>> dnPrettyNormal: 
5ab8bc38 <<< dnPrettyNormal: , 
5ab8bc38 >>> dnNormalize: 
5ab8bc38 <<< dnNormalize: 
5ab8bc38 >>> dnNormalize: 
5ab8bc38 <<< dnNormalize: 
5ab8bc38 <= str2entry(cn={1}core) -> 0x7fd10737f798
5ab8bc38 => test_filter
5ab8bc38     PRESENT
5ab8bc38 => access_allowed: search access to "cn={1}core,cn=schema,cn=config" "objectClass" requested
5ab8bc38 <= root access granted
5ab8bc38 => access_allowed: search access granted by manage(=mwrscxd)
5ab8bc38 <= test_filter 6
5ab8bc38 olcAttributeTypes: value #0 olcAttributeTypes: Duplicate attributeType: ""
5ab8bc38 config error processing cn={1}core,cn=schema,cn=config: olcAttributeTypes: Duplicate attributeType: "2.5.


-rwx------ 1 ldap ldap  1283 Mar 26 15:25 cn={0}corba.ldif
-rwx------ 1 ldap ldap 15578 Mar 26 10:21 cn={0}core.ldif
-rwx------ 1 ldap ldap  3837 Mar 26 15:25 cn={10}ppolicy.ldif
-rwx------ 1 ldap ldap  1523 Mar 26 15:25 cn={11}collective.ldif
-rwx------ 1 ldap ldap 10462 Mar 26 15:25 cn={12}kerberos.ldif
-rwx------ 1 ldap ldap 15546 Mar 26 15:25 cn={1}core.ldif
-rwx------ 1 ldap ldap 11363 Mar 26 15:25 cn={2}cosine.ldif
-rwx------ 1 ldap ldap  4489 Mar 26 15:25 cn={3}duaconf.ldif
-rwx------ 1 ldap ldap  1693 Mar 26 15:25 cn={4}dyngroup.ldif
-rwx------ 1 ldap ldap  2857 Mar 26 15:25 cn={5}inetorgperson.ldif
-rwx------ 1 ldap ldap  2589 Mar 26 15:25 cn={6}java.ldif
-rwx------ 1 ldap ldap  1519 Mar 26 15:25 cn={7}misc.ldif
-rwx------ 1 ldap ldap  6495 Mar 26 15:25 cn={8}nis.ldif
-rwx------ 1 ldap ldap  1323 Mar 26 15:25 cn={9}openldap.ldif


mv cn={0}core.ldif cn={1}core.ldif


  • 启动
slapd -h "ldapi:/// ldap:///"

[root@vm10-247-24-53 cn=schema]# netstat -nao |grep 389
tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN      off (0.00/0/0)
tcp6       0      0 :::389                  :::*                    LISTEN      off (0.00/0/0)

[root@vm10-247-24-53 cn=schema]# netstat -nap  |grep 389
tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN      17986/slapd
tcp6       0      0 :::389                  :::*                    LISTEN      17986/slapd
  • 关闭
kill -INT `cat /var/run/openldap/slapd.pid`
  • 日志
[root@v-worker3-kdps slapd]# tail -f  /var/log/slapd/slapd.log
Jan 12 16:50:48 v-worker3-kdps slapd[5792]: daemon: activity on 1 descriptor
Jan 12 16:50:48 v-worker3-kdps slapd[5792]: daemon: activity on:
Jan 12 16:50:48 v-worker3-kdps slapd[5792]:
Jan 12 16:50:48 v-worker3-kdps slapd[5792]: daemon: epoll: listen=7 active_threads=0 tvp=NULL
Jan 12 16:50:48 v-worker3-kdps slapd[5792]: daemon: epoll: listen=8 active_threads=0 tvp=NULL
Jan 12 16:52:00 v-worker3-kdps slapd[6037]: @(#) $OpenLDAP: slapd 2.4.44 (Aug  4 2017 14:23:27) $#012#[email protected]:/builddir/build/BUILD/openldap-2.4.44/openldap-2.4.44/servers/slapd
Jan 12 16:52:00 v-worker3-kdps slapd[6037]: daemon: bind(7) failed errno=98 (Address already in use)
Jan 12 16:52:00 v-worker3-kdps slapd[6037]: daemon: bind(7) failed errno=98 (Address already in use)
Jan 12 16:52:00 v-worker3-kdps slapd[6037]: slapd stopped.
Jan 12 16:52:00 v-worker3-kdps slapd[6037]: connections_destroy: nothing to destroy.

