读与思:The principles (2)

读与思:The principles (2)_第1张图片

Since I started Bridgewater, I have gained a lot more experience that taught me more, mostly by making mistakes.

a.I learned that failure is by and large due to not accepting and successfully dealing with the realities.

b.I learned that finding out what is true, regardless ofwhat that is, including most people think is bad----like mistakes and personalweaknesses, is good so that I can deal with these things so they don’t stand inmy way.

c.I learn that there is nothing fear from truth.

d.I learned that being truthful was an extension of myfreedom to be me.

e.I learn that I want the people I deal with to say whatthey really want and believe and listen to what others say in reply, in orderto find out what is true.

f.I learned that everyone makes mistakes and hasweaknesses and that one of the most important things that differentiates peopleis their approach to handle them.

g.Each mistake is a reflection of something that I wasdoing wrong, so if a could figure out what that was, l could learn how to bemore effective.

h.I learn that the pain of this wrestling that made meand those around me appreciate our successes.

i.Great people become great by looking at their mistakesand weaknesses and figuring out how to get around them.

In short, learned that being totally truthful,especially about mistakes and weaknesses, led to a rapid rate of improvementand movement toward what I wanted.

What I want was to have an interesting, diverse life filled with lots of learning----and especially meaningful work and meaningful relationships.

读与思:The principles (2)_第2张图片













思考自己,整理自己的工作总会带来更多的思考与启发,这就是有意义的。每每工作就是在解决我的缺点与弱点,带来最直接的效益就是收获,哪怕只是我在实验过程中听到的知识或者是英语。这些都让我更加有动力。所以,发现自己的缺点与弱点,figuring out how to deal with it,将会获得持续的巨大的进步,更重要的,great movement。

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