Alien Explosion-Destroy them

A fun little physics game. In the game, the Earth is about to be invaded by alien creatures. The special forces soldiers go to space to destroy some ferocious aliens. Now we will go to the game to help him and destroy the abominable aliens! The more difficult it is to get to the back, it is a test of your ability to judge. Come and try it!

Level Selection Controller (WNXSelectStageViewController)

The level selection controller UIScrollView realize scrollWizard into 24 WNXStageListView (of course, you can also create their own cache pool reuse, personally feel that no need), each WNXStageListView has a corresponding level information model stageModel, the model attributes from the project -> Resources-> Plist-> stages.plist file to read, according to the member variables in the model, load the level corresponding to the information, such as level pictures, whether to unlock, the player's history score and rank markers.

Each WNXStageListView, according to the ID set a different Tag, and provides the click gesture in the stageView click event. Call the navigation controller, Push to the WNXPrepareViewController controller, and select the stageModel as an argument to pass, WNXPrepareViewController to make the appropriate The show can be.

你可能感兴趣的:(Alien Explosion-Destroy them)