PART 1: Thoughts & summary
2.攻克特点的弱点→找出问题(what,when,why)→专项改正 (但作者表示这种方法虽极有效,却未得到广发的认可)
set up your schedule: 记日程这件事很早就开始了,但都没坚持很久,直到这一次,中途有几天开始进入低潮期就暂停了好多天,后来开始反思发觉没记时做事效率和积极性都很低,便又重新开始,并尝试不同的方法和时间。以前虽然看过很多关于记日程的好处但也没这次认真反思亲自试验有效,因此现在每天多晚都会回顾今天任务完成情况,并安排隔日要事。
a group of like-minded individuals:虽然我们的进步很大程度依然取决于自己,但如果有人指导、反馈、鼓励,有时会让学习和工作变得更高效。就像这个阅读群,如果没加入,没有Eric的指导,许多读书的方法和方式,不知道还要等多久自己才能有所发觉和思考。和大家一起打卡,扩展了知识面,也了解更多思维方式,看到大家都这么优秀努力,就更不想放弃。
There is no reason not to follow your dream. Deliberate practice can open the door to a world of possibilities that you may have been convinced were out of reach. Open that door.
PART 2: Words and Expression
1.原文:It may seem natural to assume that these people who maintain intense practice schedules for years have some rare gift of willpower or “grit” or “stick-to-itiveness” that the rest of us just lack...
例句:The three great essentials to achieve anything worth while are: Hardwork, Stick-to-itiveness, and Common sense.
2.原文:Runners and other athletes find that they become inured to the pain associated with their exercise.
inure:adj.made tough by habitual exposure 习惯的 (可以替换become used to)
仿句:The prisoners quickly became inured to the harsh conditions.
3.原文:Interestingly, studies have found that while athletes get acclimated to the particular type of pain associated with their sport, they do not get acclimated to pain in general.
acclimate: vi.vt./ˈækləmeɪt, əˈklaɪmət/ to become used to a new place, situation, or type of weather, or to make someone become used to it使适应
仿句:The athletes had to get acclimated to the changeable weather.
4.原文:You begin to see yourself as a public speaker or a piccolo player or a maker of origami figures.
piccolo:n. 短笛
origami: n.the Japanese art of folding paper to make attractive objects折纸手工品
仿句:My room is decorated with origami birds.
5.原文:In one early game, for example, he would mark off six spots that were each three feet from a hole and distributed evenly around the hole.
mark off:to make an area separate by drawing a line around it,putting a rope around it etc 划分出
仿句:We mark off the limits of our lots with ropes.