5 cents


妈妈让女儿捡起我脚附近的一枚5分硬币,女儿问:Why? mom! I don't want to pick it up. 于是妈妈用脚把那枚如指甲壳般大的5分硬币挪到了自己身边,然后弯下腰捡了起来。当她捡起那枚银币的一瞬间,她的眼似乎像是放着光,她转向女儿,说:Honey, it might be useless for now, but imagine, when it's 10:30 at night, and you don't have money at all. It could be the thing that gets you home. You pick up 5 cents then you pick up another 5 cents. Eventually, you have the enough money for going home. Then it is not just the useless 5 cents.  

那时站在对面的我,无言以对曾经的我,那个不在乎一块钱以下的 who I used to be.

5 cents means not just useless. Small things go together becoming bigger thing and powerful thing.

Cherish every 5 cents.

你可能感兴趣的:(5 cents)