


'//---- COCOON_自定义类_翻页优化代码 ----//'
Class cc_db_Pager
' COCOON Db_Pager 类 (Ver: 1)
' 作者: Sunrise_Chen ([email protected])
' 请保留此信息,谢谢。
' Thanks for eway365 from
' 2003.6
' 2003-07-05 对代码做了较大的改动,增加了一些特性
' 增加了DISTINCT选择属性

'//-------------------- 定义变量 --------------------//'
Private sTableName '//表名
Private sSqlString '//自定义Sql语句
Private aCondition() '//查询条件(数组)
Private sCondition '//查询条件(字符串)
Private iPage '//当前页码
Private iPageSize '//每页记录数
Private iPageCount '//总页数
Private iRecCount '//当前查询条件下的记录数
Private iTotalRecCount '//总记录数
Private sFields '//输出的字段名
Private sOrderBy '//排序字符串
Private sSql '//当前的查询语句
Private sPkey '//主键
Private oConn '//连接对象
Private iDefPageSize '//默认每页显示的记录数
Private sProjectName '/项目名
Private sVersion '/版本号
Private bShowError '//是否显示错误信息
Private bDistionct '//是否显示唯一记录
Private sPageInfo '//记录数、页码等信息
Private sPagerFuncName '//前台翻页函数名
Private bDistinct '//是否Distinct
Private sPageParam '//page参数名称

'//-------------------- 事件、方法 --------------------//'
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
ReDim aCondition(-1)
sProjectName = "COCOON 类系列 数据库翻页优化类"
sVersion = "1.05"
sPkey = "ID"
sFields = "*"
sCondition = ""
sOrderBy = ""
sSqlString = ""
iPageSize = 10
iPage = 1
iRecCount = Null
iTotalRecCount = Null
iPageCount = Null
bShowError = True
bDistionct = False
sPageInfo = "当前在第 %1 页 共计 %2 个页面 共有 %3 条记录"
sPagerFuncName = "__cc_doPage"
sPageParam = "page"
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set oConn = Nothing
End Sub

Private Function IIf(Expr,Val1,Val2)
If (Expr) Then
IIf = Val1
IIf = Val2
End If
End Function

Public Sub doError(s)
Dim sTmp
sTmp = CLng(Rnd() * 100)
Response.write( "<DIV STYLE='WIDTH:760;font-size:9pt;cursor:hand'>" )
Response.write( "<LABEL ONCLICK='ERRORDIV"&sTmp&".style.display=(ERRORDIV"&sTmp&".style.display==""""?""none"":"""")'><SPAN STYLE='BACKGROUND-COLOR:#CCCC00;COLOR:WHITE;'>〖 CC_db_Pager 提示信息 〗</SPAN><BR></LABEL>" )
Response.write( "<DIV ID='ERRORDIV"&sTmp&"' STYLE='DISPLAY:NONE;WIDTH:100%;BORDER: 1PX SOLID #CCCC00;PADDING:5;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;'><NOBR>" )
Response.write( "<SPAN STYLE='COLOR:RED'>Description</SPAN>: " & s & "<BR>" )
Response.write( "<SPAN STYLE='COLOR:RED'>Provider</SPAN>: " & sProjectName & " <SPAN STYLE='COLOR:RED'>Version</SPAN>: " & sVersion & "<BR>" )
Response.write( "</NOBR></DIV></DIV><BR>" )
End Sub

Public Function getSql()
Dim iStart, iEnd
Call makeCondition()
If Not isNumeric(iPage) Then iPage = 1
If CLng(iPage)<1 Then iPage = 1
iStart = ( iPage - 1 ) * iPageSize
iEnd = iStart + iPageSize
getSql = " SELECT " & IIf(bDistinct,"DISTINCT","") & " " & sFields & " FROM ["&sTableName&"] " _
& " WHERE ["&sPKey&"] IN ( " _
& " SELECT TOP "&iEnd&" ["&sPKey&"] FROM ["&sTableName&"] " & sCondition & " " & sOrderBy & " " _
& " )"
If CLng(iPage)>1 Then
getSql = getSql & " AND ["&sPKey&"] NOT IN ( " _
& " SELECT TOP "&iStart&" ["&sPKey&"] FROM ["&sTableName&"] " & sCondition & " " & sOrderBy & " " _
& " )"

End If
getSql = getSql & " " & sOrderBy & " "
End Function

Private Sub makeCondition()
If Len(sCondition)>0 Then Exit Sub
If UBound(aCondition)>=0 Then
sCondition = " WHERE " & Join(aCondition, " AND ")
End If
End Sub

Private Sub CaculateRecCount()
On Error Resume Next
Dim oRs
Call makeCondition()
sSqlString = "SELECT COUNT(["&sPKey&"]) FROM [" & sTableName & "]" & IIf(Len(sCondition)<1,"",sCondition)
Set oRs = oConn.Execute( sSqlString )
If Err Then doError Err.Description : Response.End()
iRecCount = oRs.Fields.Item(0).Value
Set oRs = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub CaculateTotalRecCount()
Dim oRs
Set oRs = oConn.Execute( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [" & sTableName & "]" )
iTotalRecCount = oRs.Fields.Item(0).Value
Set oRs = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub CaculatePageCount()
If isNull(iRecCount) Then CaculateRecCount()
If iRecCount = 0 Then iPageCount = 0 : Exit Sub
iPageCount = Abs( Int( 0 - (iRecCount / iPageSize) ) )
End Sub

Private Function setPage(n)
iPage = n
If Not isNumeric(iPage) Then iPage = 1
If CLng(iPage)<1 Then iPage = 1
End Function

Public Sub AddCondition(s)
If Len(s)<0 Then Exit Sub
ReDim Preserve aCondition(UBound(aCondition)+1)
aCondition(UBound(aCondition)) = s
End Sub

Public Function Information()
doError "Coding by <A HREF='MAILTO:[email protected]'>Sunrise_Chen</A> @ <A HREF=''>;<;/A> ."
End Function

'//-------------------- 输入属性 --------------------//'
Public Property Set ActiveConnection(o)
Set oConn = o
End Property

Public Property Let ConnectionString(s)
Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
oConn.ConnectionString = s
End Property

Public Property Let TableName(s)
sTableName = s
End Property

Public Property Let Fields(s)
sFields = s
End Property

Public Property Let Pkey(s)
sPkey = s
End Property

Public Property Let OrderBy(s)
sOrderBy = " ORDER BY " & s & " "
End Property

Public Property Let PageSize(s)
iPageSize = s
If Not isNumeric(iPageSize) Then iPageSize = iDefaultPageSize
If CLng(iPageSize)<1 Then iPageSize = iDefaultPageSize
End Property

Public Property Let Page(s)
setPage s
End Property

'//定义当前页码(同Property Page)
Public Property Let AbsolutePage(s)
setPage s
End Property

Public Property Let Sql(s)
sSqlString = s
End Property

Public Property Let Distinct(b)
bDistinct = b
End Property

Public Property Let PageParam(s)
sPageParam = LCase(s)
End Property

'//-------------------- 输出属性 --------------------//'
Public Property Get TableName()
TableName = sTableName
End Property

Public Property Get Fields()
Fields = sFields
End Property

Public Property Get Pkey()
Pkey = sPkey
End Property

Public Property Get OrderBy()
OrderBy = sOrderBy
End Property

Public Property Get RecordCount
If isNull(iRecCount) Then CaculateRecCount()
RecordCount = iRecCount
End Property

Public Property Get PageSize
PageSize = iPageSize
End Property

Public Property Get Condition
If Len(sCondition)<1 Then makeCondition()
Condition = sCondition
End Property

Public Property Get Page
Page = iPage
End Property

Public Property Get AbsolutePage
AbsolutePage = iPage
End Property

Public Property Get TotalRecordCount
If isNull(iTotalRecCount) Then CaculateTotalRecCount()
TotalRecordCount = iTotalRecCount
End Property

Public Property Get PageCount
If isNull(iPageCount) Then CaculatePageCount()
PageCount = iPageCount
End Property

Public Property Get Recordset
On Error Resume Next
sSql = getSql()
Set Recordset = oConn.Execute( sSql )
If Err Then
If bShowError Then doError Err.Description
If Len(sSqlString)>0 Then
Set Recordset = oConn.Execute( sSqlString )
If Err Then
doError Err.Description
End If
doError Err.Description
End If
End If
End Property

Public Property Get Version
Version = sVersion
End Property

Public Property Get PagerScript
Dim sUrl, sQueryString, x
sUrl = Request.ServerVariables("URL")
sQueryString = ""
For Each x In Request.QueryString
If LCase(x)<>sPageParam Then sQueryString = sQueryString & x & "=" & Request.QueryString(x) & "&"
PagerScript = vbCrLf & _
"<S"&"CRIPT LANGUAGE=""JavaScript"" ID=""cc_script_dbPager"">" & vbCrLf & _
" //"&sProjectName&" (ver: "&sVersion&")" & vbCrLf & _
" //Coding by Sunrise_Chen ([email protected])" & vbCrLf & _
" function " & sPagerFuncName & "(n){" & vbCrLf & _
" location.href='" & sUrl & "?" & sQueryString & sPageParam &"='+n+'" & "';" & vbCrLf & _
" }" & vbCrLf & _
"</S"&"CRIPT>" & vbCrLf & _
End Property

Public Property Get PageInfo
PageInfo = Replace(Replace(Replace(sPageInfo,"%3",iRecCount),"%2",iPageCount),"%1",iPage)
End Property

Public Property Get Pager
Pager = "" & vbCrLf _
& "[<A "&IIf(CLng(iPage)<=1,"disabled href='javascript:void(0);'","href='javascript:"&sPagerFuncName&"(1);'")&">首页</A>]" & vbCrLf _
& "[<A "&IIf(CLng(iPage)<=1,"disabled href='javascript:void(0);'","href='javascript:"&sPagerFuncName&"("&(iPage-1)&");'")&">前页</A>]" & vbCrLf _
& "[<A "&IIf(CLng(iPage)>=CLng(iPageCount),"disabled href='javascript:void(0);'","href='javascript:"&sPagerFuncName&"("&(iPage+1)&");'")&">后页</A>]" & vbCrLf _
& "[<A "&IIf(CLng(iPage)>=CLng(iPageCount),"disabled href='javascript:void(0);'","href='javascript:"&sPagerFuncName&"("&iPageCount&");'")&">末页</A>]"
End Property

Public Property Get ConnectionString()
ConnectionString = oConn.ConnectionString
End Property

Public Property Get Conn()
Set Conn = oConn
End Property

End Class



Rem 把上面类的代码或者拷贝包含到本页面.

DbPath = "db_CC_Counter6.mdb" '定义数据库名
DbPassword = ""
sConnString = "DBQ=" & Server.mappath(DbPath)&";DefaultDir=;DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" '定义连接

set db_Pager = new cc_db_Pager '引用类创建一对象
db_Pager.ConnectionString = sConnString '连接数据库
db_Pager.TableName = "t_Visit" '设置要查询的表名
db_Pager.Sql = "select * from t_Visit" '自定义SQL语句 = Request("page")
temStr = temStr&db_Pager.PagerScript
temStr = temStr&db_Pager.PageInfo
temStr = temStr&db_Pager.Pager
set myRs = db_Pager.Recordset
if not(myRs.eof and myRs.bof) then
do while not myRs.eof
response.write myRs("id")&"|"&myRs("CreateTime")&"|"&myRs("LastActTime")&"|"&myRs("IsOnline")&"<br>"
end if
set db_Pager = nothing
