
翻译及述评丨上海嘉会国际医院 夏璐



Patients’ perceptions on the impact of coffee consumption in inflammatory bowel disease: friend or foe?

Christiane Barthel, Sandra Wiegand, Sylvie Scharl1, Michael Scharl, Pascal Frei, Stephan R. Vavricka, Michael Fried, Michael Christian Sulz, Nico Wiegand, Gerhard Rogler, Luc Biedermann

文献来源:Nutrition Journal (2015) 14:78



方法:在瑞士的IBD患者中展开问卷调查,主要询问内容为咖啡摄入情况。 描述性统计包括对问卷中数据的卡方检验。

结果:在 442例患者中有73 % 日常摄入咖啡,96 %患者认为饮用咖啡有正面作用,91%患者认为咖啡对疾病本身无影响,但其中有49%认为咖啡对症状是有负面作用的。在戒除咖啡的患者中62 % 确信咖啡对肠道症状有不利作用,这一点在CD患者中尤为突出,与UC相比为76 % vs. 44 %, p = 0.002。 总体而言,38% 的研究对象认为咖啡对其症状有影响,其中CD患者更多见 (54 %) ,UC 为 (22 %, p < 0.001)。45%的CD患者认为咖啡对疾病不利,但仅有20%的UC患者有此担忧(p < 0.001)。

结论:约2/3的IBD患者日常饮用咖啡,其中CD患者认为摄入咖啡造成症状改变的患者数量为UC的两倍, 主要是担心症状加重,但这些负面情况并未减少咖啡摄入。




Background: Environmental factors are an integral component in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). There is an increasing interest in nutritive components. While the potential disease-modifying role of coffee has been intensively investigated in a variety of gastrointestinal diseases, the data on the potential impact on IBD is very limited. We aimed to determine the patients’ perspective on coffee consumption in IBD.Methods: We conducted a questionnaire among IBD patients in Switzerland, assessing key questions regarding coffee consumption. Descriptive statistics including chi square testing were used for analysis of questionnaire data. Results: Among a total of 442 patients 73 % regularly consume coffee. 96 % of patients attributing a positive and 91 % of patients attributing no impact of coffee intake on IBD regularly drink coffee and surprisingly even 49 % of those patients that assign a negative impact on disease symptoms. Among those patients refraining from regular coffee intake 62 % are convinced that coffee adversely influences intestinal symptoms, significantly more in Crohn’s disease (CD) than in ulcerative colitis (UC) (76 % vs. 44 %, p = 0.002). In total, 38 % of all study subjects suppose that coffee has an effect on their symptoms of disease, significantly more in CD (54 %) compared to UC patients (22 %, p < 0.001). Moreover, while 45 % of CD patients feel that coffee has a detrimental influence, only 20 % of UC patients share this impression (p < 0.001).Conclusion: Two thirds of IBD patients regularly consume coffee. More than twice as many CD compared to UC patients attribute a symptom-modifying effect of coffee consumption, the majority a detrimental one. However, this negative perception does not result in abstinence from coffee consumption.





从机制上讲,一些实验发现咖啡对人类肠道有致炎作用,例如对 NF-ĸB的激活作用,其对肠道动力的影响也可加重腹泻等症状,但早先一些研究也认为咖啡同时有抗炎作用,可改善肠道急性炎症时肠上皮受损的情况,并具有抗肿瘤的潜在作用。在Siew Ng教授2015年发表于Gut的多因素研究“Environmental risk factors in inflammatory bowel disease: a population-based case-control study in Asia-Pacific”中,亚洲人群中日常咖啡饮用与CD的比值比OR 为0.732(95% CI 0.494 - 1.086),UC的OR 为0.508(95% CI.361- 0.716),证明咖啡饮用可降低IBD的发生。但更早先的一篇CCFA的研究,同样使用调查问卷针对北美患者进行研究,认为咖啡可加重UC的症状。

咖啡对IBD究竟是敌是友?IBD患者究竟能不能喝咖啡?具体还要看疾病是否处于活动期、疾病的严重程度以及患者的其他身体状况,另外何种咖啡可以饮用?是否选择无因咖啡更好?目前没有定论。是否需加糖加奶?IBD合并乳糖不耐受的患者可能需要避免拿铁、卡布奇诺等饮品(但实际上即便是乳糖酶缺乏者,每天也可耐受120 ml至240 ml的乳类),也是见仁见智。在这篇文章中有一个有趣的现象,可以发现西方国家的患者,可能由于咖啡已经是生活中不可分割的部分,所以即便有使病情加重的顾虑,或者已经认为咖啡加重了肠道症状,大多数患者还是坚持不懈地在天天喝咖啡,目前也缺乏严格设计的研究来探讨长期饮用咖啡对IBD病情本身的影响。



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