Dreams Good, Dreams Bad

Dreams Good, Dreams Bad_第1张图片

Dreams good, dreams bad,

Dreams stir you up.

A bunch a people were sitting in the room.

One had a shotgun pointing at everybody,

Bidding them not to move.

Dreams good, dreams bad,

Dreams wake you up.

When the gunman was speaking,

I pieced up my courage, trying to grab the shotgun,

Bidding everybody else to move.

Dreams good, dreams bad,

Dreams make you moody.

The two were fighting for the shotgun.

One holding it down, the other trying to shoot.

Then bang went the gun.

Dreams good, dreams bad.

Dreams are not real.

The man shot was not feeling any pain,

Though shouting and yelling.

Super- superman was he.

Dreams good, dreams bad.

Dreams are illogical.

There came more gunmen, guarding the door from outside.

Both sides stood their ground, shooting at each other.

But no one died. Supermen were they all.

Dream good, dreams bad.

Dreams are necessary.

You sleep, you dream.

That's how your mind works when you sleep.

So i got up and kissed my love, whispering Happy Valentine.

你可能感兴趣的:(Dreams Good, Dreams Bad)