
1、In order to transmit, the host controller must write data for transmission to Register file: 0x09 –Transmit Data Buffer.

2、The desire dselections forpreamble length, data rate and PRF must also bewritten to Register file: 0x08 –Transmit Frame Control.

3、Transmitter configuration is carried out in the IDLEstate, but frame configurations may be carried out during active transmit as described in section 3.5–High Speed Transmission.

4、Assuming all other relevant configurations have already been made, the host controller initiatesthe transmission by setting theTXSTRTcontrol bit inRegister file: 0x0D –System Control Register.

5、After transmission has been requested,the DW1000 automatically sends the complete frame; preamble, SFD, PHR and data.TheFCS(CRC) is automatically appended to the message as an aid to the MAC layer framing.

6、The end of frame transmission is signalled to the host via the TXFRS event status bit in Register file: 0x0F –System Event Status Register, and the DW1000 returns to IDLEmode to await new instructions.
