早在 1988 年,英国就将性教育问题写入了教育改革法案。经过几十年的修订与完善,英国逐渐形成了一套系统的教育框架。今年三月,英国教育部颁布了一项有关性教育的新政策,该政策将性教育列为中小学的必修课程。这是英国在性教育方面的又一大重大改革,但随之也引发了来自社会各界的热议。英国将如何改革性教育?这样的改革是否能发挥其效力?接下来,我们就跟着 Lala 老师一起走进今天的新闻一探究竟。
School lessons to cover sexting, FGM and mental health
The Department for Education (DfE) has unveiled fresh guidelines for sex and health education across England.
Three new subjects have been created—relationships education from primary school, relationships and sex education at secondary school, and health education for all ages in which students will learn about the importance of getting enough sleep, the dangers of sexting and how to spot anxiety in their friends.
According to the guidelines, secondary school pupils will be taught about female genital mutilation (FGM) with a focus on awareness over its illegality and the availability of support networks. Students aged 11 and older should also be taught about other forms of “honour-based” abuse, as well as grooming, forced marriage and domestic abuse, the DfE said.
But the government’s announcement comes amid a backlash from parent groups who do not want sex education to be a mandatory part of the curriculum.
MPs are to debate a petition on Monday demanding parents retain the right to opt their child out of sex education classes in schools after more than 100, 000 people stressed parents’ “fundamental right” to decide when their children are taught relationship and sex education (RSE) topics.
“We have grave concerns about the physical, psychological and spiritual implications of teaching children about certain sexual and relational concepts proposed in RSE and believe that they have no place within a mandatory school curriculum, ” Dr Katherine Sarah Godfrey-Faussett, the petitioner, stated.
为什么说女性割礼是一种“honour-based” abuse?
School lessons to cover sexting, FGM and mental health
The Department for Education (DfE) has unveiled fresh guidelines for sex and health education across England.
Three new subjects have been created—relationships education from primary school, relationships and sex education at secondary school, and health education for all ages in which students will learn about the importance of getting enough sleep, the dangers of sexting and how to spot anxiety in their friends.
According to the guidelines, secondary school pupils will be taught about female genitalmutilation (FGM) with a focus on awareness over its illegality and the availability of support networks. Students aged 11 and older should also be taught about other forms of “honour-based” abuse, as well as grooming, forced marriage and domestic abuse, the DfE said.
按照这个课程指南,中学生将会学习到女性割礼(FGM)的概念。指南将着重让学生意识到割礼是违法的,而且针对割礼受害者的援助系统是存在的。教育部还提出,11 岁及以上的学生应当知道其它形式的“基于荣誉的”虐待,还应了解诱奸儿童、强迫婚姻和家暴这些概念。
But the government’s announcement comes amid a backlash from parent groups who do not want sex education to be a mandatory part of the curriculum.
MPs are to debate a petition on Monday demanding parents retainthe right to opt their child out of sex education classes in schools after more than 100,000 people stressed parents’ “fundamental right” to decide when their children are taught relationship and sex education (RSE) topics.
英国议会议员们将于周一就一份请愿书展开辩论,请愿书要求保留家长不让孩子在学校参与性教育课的权利。此前,超过十万人强调,决定孩子何时接受 RSE 教育,是家长的“基本权利”。
“We have grave concerns about the physical, psychological and spiritual implications of teaching children about certain sexual and relational concepts proposed in RSE and believe that they have no place within a mandatory school curriculum,” Dr Katherine Sarah Godfrey-Faussett, the petitioner, stated.
作为请愿者,凯瑟琳·莎拉·戈弗雷-福赛特博士声明:“RSE 中提出了和性、两性关系相关的概念,把其中的某些概念教给孩子,将对他们产生身体、心理和心灵上的影响,这让我们深感担忧。我们认为,这些概念绝不应该出现在学校的必修课程里。”
1988 年,英国推出了首个涉及性教育的法案:《1988年教育改革法》。该法案在国家课程中加入了青春期特征、生殖健康等方面的内容。但是许多学校对这部分课程内容十分敷衍,甚至不直接进行教学。因此,英国在 1996 年颁布的《教育法案》中,进一步规定:公立学校必须教授与性教育直接相关的内容,比如青春期生理发展、生殖健康以及相关病毒的传播。
2000 年,英国颁布并实施了《学习和技能法案》。为了保证每个学生都能享受到高水平的性教育,该法案规定,英国政府必须颁布性教育课程指南,地方教育当局应按照指南,督促所有公立学校提供相应的性教育。
2003 年,英国国家儿童局发布了《性与两性关系教育框架》,这是英国第一个专门就性教育颁布的教育框架。该框架把性教育定义为“对性行为、两性交往和性健康等的学习”。
2010 年,英国发布了学校白皮书:《教学的重要性》。这个文件阐述了政府对性教育的承诺:为学生提供高质量性教育,并与教师、父母、宗教团体和相关组织一起提高性教育水平。
英国中小学教育按照年龄层次共分为 4 个学段,不同学段性教育教授的内容也不同。第一学段(5~7 岁)的学生认知水平较低,因此,针对该学段学生的性教育内容主要是了解身体特征和掌握两性交往技巧等。进入第二学段(7~11 岁)的学生,认知能力有了较大发展,将要进入青春期,性教育内容主要是青春期生理和心理等方面的变化。小学性教育的目的主要是让学生能够说出身体的主要部位名称,学会保护自己和寻求帮助。
在英国的第三和第四学段(11~16 岁),即中学阶段,性教育主要关注两性关系的培养。学习内容既包括性行为、生殖、避孕等生理知识,也包括如何培养积极稳定的两性关系和处理两性交往可能遇到的问题。该阶段性教育的目的,是培养学生积极的价值观和完善的道德体系,使学生能够作出正确的选择;帮助学生理解避孕和推迟性行为的重要性;使学生能够进行有效沟通,保护自己不受性虐待和性传播疾病的侵害。