
important phases

account for   描述比例

jump by/climb/increase/go up/rise   上升

market capitalization   市值

due to  (because of)

beef up  增强

listed companies  上市公司

ground for skepticism dose not come much more fertile than this  最充分的理由莫过于此

justify faith  证明

propel business  促进业务

whirl virtuous circle

It’s easy to tick off the pitfalls.  挑战比比皆是

distant horizon  长远目标

heady valuation  超高估值

self-fulfilling  prophecy  自我实现预言

whinge about     抱怨

debacle  (disaster)  惨败

lure/entice/attract  customer  吸引顾客

crank out cash  赚钱

breath of activities  经营范围

seen through this lens  从这方面看

drone delivers  无人机

get anywhere close to  几乎实现


former bookseller   书商起家

92% of its value is due to profits expected after 2020.   其中92%来自2020年以后的盈利预期。

If it makes as much money as investors hope  该公司实际业绩与投资者预期一致

So long as shareholders retain their faith in this model, Amazon’s heady valuation resembles a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Their faith is sustained by Amazon’s record.


But the business is starting to crank out cash.


A wingspan this large is more reminiscent of a conglomerate than a retailer

