# 用户注册 def logon(): print("欢迎来到图书管理系统注册页面~") username = input("请输入用户名:") if len(username)<6: print("用户名不能小于6个字符") else: email = input("请输入邮箱:") password = input("请输入密码:") if len(password)<8: print("密码不能少于8位") else: rpassword = input("请确认密码:") if password ==rpassword: print("注册成功!") # 函数调用,每追加一列数据都进行换行 每个数据之间都有空格 preserve_data(path,['\n'+ username,' '+ email,' '+ password]) return True else: print("两次输入的密码不一致,请重新输入!") # 递归调用 logon() # 保存数据到文件 path = r'D:\Python\python-qf\文件操作\os.path\复制文件夹\案例练习\users\user.txt' def preserve_data(file_path,data): # 将字符串转换为bytes,因为write写入的是字节流,不能是字符串 当为w时需要解码 # data = data.encode() # 打开文件,追加数据到文件 with open(file_path,'a') as wstream: # 判断是否可写 if wstream.writable(): wstream.writelines(data) else: print("没有权限!") # 用户登录 def login(): print("欢迎来到图书管理系统登录页面~") tips = input("是否已经注册?(yes/no)") if tips =='yes': while True: username = input("输入用户名:") password = input("输入密码:") # 读取文件时可能会出现找不到文件的异常,因此使用try except try: # 读取文件中的内容 with open(path, 'rb') as stream: # 读取多行保存到列表中,列表中保存的是二进制,字节 result = stream.readlines() # print(result) # 列表推导式,循环遍历列表,将字节解码为字符串放在一个新列表uesr_list uesr_list = [i.decode() for i in result] # print(uesr_list) # 循环遍历列表,检查输入的用户名和密码是否在字符串中 for i in uesr_list: # print(i) if username in i and password in i: print("登录成功") operate(book_path,username) break else: raise Exception("用户名或密码错误,请重新输入!") except Exception as err: print(err) # 没有异常时执行else语句 else: break else: print("您还未注册,请先注册后再登录!") # 递归 logon() # 查询图书 def find_books(path): try: with open(path, 'r') as rstream: # readlines读到的内容是一个列表 container = rstream.readlines() # 通过列表推导式得到新的列表,即每个元素去掉后面的换行符号 new_container = [books_name.rstrip('\n') for books_name in container] for b_name in new_container: # 打印图书+《》 print("《{}》".format(b_name)) except Exception as err: print("错误原因:",err) #添加图书 def add_book(b_path,username): # 添加前首先判断是否是管理员 permission(b_path, username) # 追加图书 不能是w ,否则会清空之前的内容 with open(b_path, 'a') as wstream: # 判断是否可写 if wstream.writable: msg = input("请输入书名:") try: # 添加书籍之前判断某本书是否已经添加 with open(b_path) as rstream: while True: line = rstream.readline() # 去掉右边的换行 line = line.rstrip('\n') # 当找到空行是如果还没有找到与输入的书名一致的时候,就添加输入的书名 if not line: book = '\n' + msg wstream.write(book) print("添加成功") break else: # 输入的图书和读到的行有一致的则提示不能重复添加 if line == msg: print("{}已添加,请不要重复添加哦~".format(msg)) break except Exception as err: print("错误原因:", err) else: print("没有权限") # 修改图书 def update_book(b_path,username): permission(b_path, username) try: with open(b_path, 'r') as rstream: container = rstream.read() # 通过'\n'来分割字符串,返回结果是列表 container = container.split('\n') # print(container) # 删除前先展示有哪些图书 find_books(book_path) book_name = input("请输入需要修改的图书书名:") # 循环遍历修改书名 for i in range(len(container)): if book_name == container[i]: rbook_name = input("请输入修改后的图书书名:") container[i] = rbook_name + '\n' else: # 列表中的每个书名后面加换行符,用于写入文件时换行 container[i] = container[i] + '\n' # print(container) # 将书名更新后的内容以writelines写入文件中 writelines(可迭代) with open(b_path, 'w') as wwstream: wwstream.writelines(container) print("修改成功") except Exception as err: print("错误原因:", err) # 删除图书 def del_book(b_path,username): permission(path, username) try: with open(b_path, 'r') as rstream: container = rstream.read() # 通过'\n'来分割字符串,返回结果是列表 container = container.split('\n') # print(container) # 展示有哪些图书 find_books(book_path) book_name = input("请输入需要删除的图书书名:") # 循环遍历修改书名 for i in range(len(container) - 1): if book_name == container[i]: container.remove(container[i]) else: # 列表中的每个书名后面加换行符,用于写入文件时换行 container[i] = container[i] + '\n' # print(container) # 将书名删除后的内容以writelines写入文件中 writelines(可迭代) with open(b_path, 'w') as wwstream: wwstream.writelines(container) print("删除成功") except Exception as err: print("错误原因:", err) # 借书 def borrow_book(username): while True: print("图书列表:") find_books(book_path) borrow_books = input("请选择图书:") try: with open('../user_books/user_books.txt') as rstream: # 每次读取一行 lines = rstream.readline() lines = lines.rstrip('\n') # 将读到的内容通过空格分割保存到列表 lines = lines.split(' ') # 判断输入的书是否已被借走 if borrow_books not in lines: # print(lines) # 借书之前先判断该用户之前是否借过,如果借过,就在后面累加图书,用,分割图书 # for user_book in lines: if username in lines: with open('../user_books/user_books.txt', 'a') as wstream: # 判断之前是否借过某本书 if borrow_books not in lines: wstream.write(' {}'.format(borrow_books)) print("借书成功") break else: print("您已借过此书,请从新选择!") break else: # 将选择的图书与用户名一起保存到文件中 with open('../user_books/user_books.txt', 'a') as wstream: wstream.write('\n{} {}\n'.format(username, borrow_books)) print("借书成功") break else: print("<<{}>>已被用户{}借走,请重新选择~".format(borrow_books,lines[0])) except Exception as err: print("错误原因:", err) # 还书 def return_book(username): try: with open('../user_books/user_books.txt') as rstream: # print("{}您已借阅,未归还图书如下:".format(username)) # 读到的结果是列表 lines = rstream.readlines() # 遍历列表,将里面的元素再拆分为列表 for i in range(len(lines)): # 去掉换行 lines[i] = lines[i].rstrip('\n') lines[i] = lines[i].rstrip(' ') lines[i] = lines[i].split(' ') for ii in range(len(lines[i])-1): # 只打印登录用户借阅的图书 if username == lines[i][0]: print("{}您已借阅,未归还图书如下:".format(username)) print(lines[i][ii+1]) msg = input("请选择你要归还的图书:") with open('../user_books/user_books.txt') as rstream: lines = rstream.readlines() for i in range(len(lines)): if username in lines[i] and msg in lines[i]: # 用空字符串替换msg,即表示删除归还的图书 lines[i] = lines[i].replace(msg, '') with open('../user_books/user_books.txt', 'w') as wstream: # 将变更后的列表再写入文件,只变更当前用户的图书信息 wstream.writelines(lines) print("归还成功!") break with open('../user_books/user_books.txt') as rstream: lines = rstream.readlines() for i in range(len(lines)): lines[i] = lines[i].rstrip('\n') lines[i] = lines[i].rstrip(' ') lines[i] = lines[i].split(' ') # print(type(lines[i])) for ii in range(len(lines[i])): # 图书归还成功后判断列表中只有用户名了,如果只有用户名则将用户名用空字符串代替 if username == lines[i][0] and len(lines[i]) == 1: lines[i][0] = lines[i][0].replace(lines[i][0], '') lines.append(lines[i][0]) # print(lines) str = '' for i in range(len(lines)): for ii in range(len(lines[i])): # 将嵌套列表中的元素取出来拼接成字符串 str += lines[i][ii] + ' ' str += '\n' # 遍历完毕删除之前列表里面嵌套的列表,追加字符串str lines.clear() lines.append(str) # print(lines) # 将更新后的列表写入文件 with open('../user_books/user_books.txt', 'w') as wstream: wstream.writelines(lines) else: print("您还没有借阅记录哦~") except Exception as err: print("错误原因:", err) # 查看个人信息 def look_person_info(path,username): with open(path) as rstream: while True: line = rstream.readline() if not line: break else: line = line.split(' ') # 列表推导式 line = [info.strip('\n') for info in line] if username in line: print("----个人信息----") print("用户名:",line[0]) print("邮箱:", line[1]) print("密码:", line[2]) # 修改个人信息 def update_password(path,username): tips = input("请选择操作:\n 1.修改邮箱\n 2.修改密码\n") # 修改邮箱 if tips =='1': new_email = '' line = [] try: with open(path) as rstream: while True: line = rstream.readline() if not line: break line = line.split(' ') # 去掉密码后面的换行符 line[2] = line[2].rstrip('\n') if username == line[0]: new_email = input("请输入新邮箱:") line[1] = new_email break except Exception as err: print(err) else: # 将新修改邮箱后的用户的所有信息追加到文件夹 with open(path, 'a') as wstream: for i in range(len(line)): if i == 0: # 遍历列表,第一个列表元素需要前面需要加换行,后面需要加空格与其他元素分割 line[i] = '\n' + line[i] + ' ' else: line[i] = line[i] + ' ' wstream.writelines(line) print("修改成功") # 删除修改邮箱之前用户的信息 with open(path) as rstream: # 读取多行 lines = rstream.readlines() i = 0 l = len(lines) while i < l: # 当 当前用户名在用户信息行且新的邮箱不在时就删除之前的用户信息,不会删除其他用户的信息 if username in lines[i] and new_email not in lines[i]: lines.remove(lines[i]) i += 1 l -= 1 # 删除旧邮箱对应的当前用户信息后,再将新邮箱对应的用户信息以及其他用户的信息从新写入到文件 with open(path, 'w') as wstream: wstream.writelines(lines) # 修改密码 elif tips =='2': new_password = '' line = [] try: with open(path) as rstream: while True: line = rstream.readline() if not line: break line = line.split(' ') # 去掉密码后面的换行符 line[2] = line[2].rstrip('\n') if username == line[0]: new_password = input("请输入新密码:") # 判断新密码与旧密码是否一致 if new_password ==line[2]: # 抛出异常 raise Exception("新密码不能与旧密码相同哦~") else: line[2] =new_password break # 可以捕获到前面raise抛出的异常 except Exception as err: print(err) else: # 将新修改密码后的用户的所有信息追加到文件夹 with open(path,'a') as wstream: for i in range(len(line)): if i ==0: # 遍历列表,第一个列表元素需要前面需要加换行,后面需要加空格与其他元素分割 line[i] = '\n'+line[i]+' ' else: line[i] = line[i] +' ' wstream.writelines(line) print("修改成功") # 删除修改密码之前用户的信息 with open(path) as rstream: # 读取多行 lines = rstream.readlines() i =0 l = len(lines) while i < l: # 当 当前用户名在用户信息行且新的密码不在时就删除之前的用户信息,不会删除其他用户的信息 if username in lines[i] and new_password not in lines[i]: lines.remove(lines[i]) i+=1 l-=1 # 删除旧密码对应的当前用户信息后,再将新密码对应的用户信息以及其他用户的信息从新写入到文件 with open(path,'w') as wstream: wstream.writelines(lines) # 个人信息 def person_information(path,username): tips = input("请选择操作:\n 1.查看个人信息\n 2.修改个人信息\n") if tips =='1': look_person_info(path,username) elif tips =='2': update_password(path, username) # 只有管理员才可以进行图书的增删改操作 def permission(user_path,username): try: with open(user_path) as rstream: while True: line = rstream.readline() # 读到空行跳出循环 if not line: break # 通过3个空格将字符串line分割为一个列表,存储三个值 line = line.split(' ') # 循环遍历列表,去掉列表中每个元素后面的换行,如果有就去掉,没有就不取掉 for i in range(len(line)): line[i] = line[i].rstrip('\n') # 判断是否管理员,如果是就可以进行添加操作 if username == 'admin123': pass else: print("只有管理员才可以进行该操作~".format(username)) # 不是管理员将回到操作页面 operate(path, username) except Exception as err: print("错误原因:",err) # 图书增删改借还操作 book_path = '../books/books.txt' # book_list = ['水浒传\n','红楼梦\n','廊桥遗梦'] def operate(b_path,username): while True: msg = input("请选择操作:\n 1.查询图书\n 2.添加图书\n 3.修改图书\n 4.删除图书\n 5.借书\n 6.归还图书\n 7.个人信息\n 8.退出登录\n") # 查询图书 if msg =='1': find_books(book_path) # 添加图书 elif msg =='2': add_book(b_path, username) # 修改图书 elif msg =='3': update_book(b_path, username) # 删除图书 elif msg =='4': del_book(b_path, username) # 借书 elif msg =='5': borrow_book(username) # 还书 elif msg =='6': return_book(username) #查看、修改个人信息 elif msg =='7': person_information(path, username) # 退出登录 elif msg =='8': msg = input("确定退出登录吗?(yes/no)") if msg == 'yes': break login()