XJTLU_CSE304(17/18) Multi-agent System

1 Agents and Objects? similarities and differences 

2 Different architectures of agents

(1) practical reasoning 

what are the functionalities of each component?

how do they interact with each other?

XJTLU_CSE304(17/18) Multi-agent System_第1张图片
commitments to ends and means

??? while not (empty(pi), or succeed(I, B), or impossible(I, B)) do

       while not (empty(pi), or succeed(I, B), or believeimpossible(I, B)) do

(2) planner system

example-1 STRIPS planning problem

(3) BDI architecture

(4) subsumption architecture

(5) horizontal, vertical & hybrid architecture 

example-1 Touring Machine 

example-2 InterRRap

3 Specific case: Blocks World problem + vacuum machine problem 

4 Payoff Matrices [WEEK 9 Multi-agent Interactions]

utilities and preference: u(w) >= u(w')  <--> w )= w'

w - state of the world; u - utility function; a - actions, ai*aj --> w

(N, A, U) U - the set of players; A = A1*A2*...*An, Ai is the set of actions available to player i; U - the set of utility functions for each player, it can be enclosed in the payoff matrix.

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payoff matrix 合并

* if it is the case of prisoner dilemma, the smaller utility the better, otherwise, the larger the better.

(0) Dominant strategies

Si is the dominant strategy for i if  no matter what strategy j choose, i will do at least as well as choosing other strategies.

XJTLU_CSE304(17/18) Multi-agent System_第3张图片
Dominant strategy 解法图示

(1) Nash equilibrium 

s1 and s2 are in Nash equilibrium if: [1] under the assumption that agent i plays s1, agent j can do no better than playing s2 AND [2] under the assumption that agent j plays s2, agent i can do no better than playing s1.

XJTLU_CSE304(17/18) Multi-agent System_第4张图片
Nash equilibrium 解法图示

(2) Pareto optimal 

if there is no other outcome that makes one agent better off without making another agent worse off.

XJTLU_CSE304(17/18) Multi-agent System_第5张图片
Pareto optimal 解法图示

(3) social welfare

XJTLU_CSE304(17/18) Multi-agent System_第6张图片
social welfare 解法图示

5 Coalition games [WEEK 10 Coalition,Voting, Power, and Computational Social Choice]

the core is the set of outcomes for the grand coalition to which no coalition objects.

a coalition C objects to an outcome if there is some outcome for them that makes all of them strictly better off.

if the core is non-empty then the grand coalition is stable, since nobody can benefit from defection.

(1) Shapley value (- best known attempt to define how to divide the benefits of cooperation fairly, taking into account the contributions of each agent)

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Shapley value definition
XJTLU_CSE304(17/18) Multi-agent System_第8张图片

(2) Representing coalition games

1-Induced subgraph

2-Marginal contribution nets 

XJTLU_CSE304(17/18) Multi-agent System_第9张图片

6 voting [WEEK 11 Social Choice]

(1) Plurality vote

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the winner is C

(2) Sequential majority elections

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the winner is ? at the root

(3) Majority Graph (Pairwise election)

the edge points from w to w' if a majority of voters rank w above w'

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given the above votes
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candidate C has the most victories wins

* A Condorcet Winner is a candidate that would beat every other candidate in a pairwise election.

(4) Borda count 

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assign points for each altermative
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sum the points and the alternative with the highest total wins, B is the winner

7 Auction [WEEK 11 Reaching agreement]

(1) English 

Each bidder raises freely his bid (in public), auction ends if no bidder is willing to raise his bid anymore

(2) Dutch = First-price sealed bid

Dutch (descending) auction: seller continuously lowers prices until one of the bidders accepts the price

(3) First-price sealed bid = Dutch 

bidders submit bids so that only auctioneer can see them, highest bid wins (only one round of bidding)

(4) Vickrey

Second-price sealed bid: Highest bidder wins, but pays price of second-highest bid

English and Vickrey: some collusion agreements are self-enforcing.

none of them is fully collusion proof. 

8 Working together [WEEK 12]

(1) contract net






(2) CDPS -cooperative distributed problem solving

1-problem decomposition

2-sub-problem distribution

3-sub-problem solution 

4-answer synthesis

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