Advent of Code Day 7 递归马戏团


  • Advent of Code Day 1 逆向验证码
  • Advent of Code Day 2 损坏校验和
  • Advent of Code Day 3 螺旋内存
  • Advent of Code Day 4 高熵密码
  • Advevnt of Code Day 5 曲折的蹦床迷宫
  • Advent of Code Day 6 内存重分配
  • Advent of Code Day 7 递归马戏团
  • Advent of Code Day 8 注册表爱好者
  • Advent of Code Day 9 流处理
  • Advent of Code Day 10 结哈希
  • Advent of Code Day 11 六边形迷宫


Wandering further through the circuits of the computer, you come upon a tower of programs that have gotten themselves into a bit of trouble. A recursive algorithm has gotten out of hand, and now they're balanced precariously in a large tower.


One program at the bottom supports the entire tower. It's holding a large disc, and on the disc are balanced several more sub-towers. At the bottom of these sub-towers, standing on the bottom disc, are other programs, each holding their own disc, and so on. At the very tops of these sub-sub-sub-...-towers, many programs stand simply keeping the disc below them balanced but with no disc of their own.


You offer to help, but first you need to understand the structure of these towers. You ask each program to yell out their name, their weight, and (if they're holding a disc) the names of the programs immediately above them balancing on that disc. You write this information down (your puzzle input). Unfortunately, in their panic, they don't do this in an orderly fashion; by the time you're done, you're not sure which program gave which information.


For example, if your list is the following:


pbga (66)
xhth (57)
ebii (61)  
havc (66)
ktlj (57)
fwft (72) -> ktlj, cntj, xhth
qoyq (66)
padx (45) -> pbga, havc, qoyq
tknk (41) -> ugml, padx, fwft
jptl (61)
ugml (68) -> gyxo, ebii, jptl
gyxo (61)
cntj (57)

...then you would be able to recreate the structure of the towers that looks like this:

         ugml - ebii
       /      \     
      |         jptl
      |         pbga
     /        /
tknk - - - padx - havc
     \        \
      |         qoyq
      |         ktlj
       \      /     
         fwft - cntj

In this example, tknk is at the bottom of the tower (the bottom program), and is holding up ugml, padx, and fwft. Those programs are, in turn, holding up other programs; in this example, none of those programs are holding up any other programs, and are all the tops of their own towers. (The actual tower balancing in front of you is much larger.)
在这个例子里,tknk是在最下面的程序,同时它支持着ugml, padx, 和fwft。这些程序,反过来支持着其他的程序。在最上面的程序,没有支持着任何程序。(其实你会拿到更大的塔)
Before you're ready to help them, you need to make sure your information is correct. What is the name of the bottom program?



首先,分析过例子可以知道,输入有两种,节点(node)和终点(End)。我制作了一个递归程序来搜索所有节点的子节点,并且计算节点和。节点和是将所有终点设为1,每个节点等于子节点值的和。在上图的例子里tknk 值为九个终点的和,所以值为9。跑完之后找最大值,就是根节点。

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