How to Start Learning Computer Graphics


Input\Output Image Knowledge
Image Digital Image Processing Computer Vision
Knowledge Computer Graphics Artificial Intelligence


  • Math

Linear Algebra


Differential Geometry

Differential Equation & Matrix Equation

Probability and Statistics & Numerical Methods

Sampling Theory & Signal Processing

  • Coding

C++ Primer [Josée Lajoie and Stanley B. Lippman]

The Effective C++ Book Series [Scott Meyers]



OpenGL SuperBible

OpenGL Programming Guide

  • Computer Graphics

Computer graphics with OpenGL [Donald Hearn and M. Pauline Baker]

Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice [James D. Foley, Andries van Dam]

Fundamentals of Computer Graphics [Peter Shirley, Steve Marschner]

Job Skills

Math, Data Structures and Algorithms

C++ / Python, OOP

3D Graphics APIs (OpenGL, WebGL, DirectX, Vulkan)

Rendering, Shader, Texture

GPU Programming

Virtual Reality, Visual Arts

Entry-level Projects

Software Rasterizer

Ray Tracer

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