2017-5-8《经济学人》译文 《下飞机才发现到错了城市》

Where am I?


When flyers end up in the wrong cities


And whom to blame


2017-5-8《经济学人》译文 《下飞机才发现到错了城市》_第1张图片


May 8th 2017


WHEN Gulliver’s fiancée was growingup in Jeffersonville, Indiana, her uncle came for a visit. But as his flightlanded in Louisville, just across the Ohio River from Jeffersonville, he wasfast asleep. And he remained in that state as the plane took off again. It wasnot until an hour later that he sheepishly called his relatives to inform themthat he was 100 miles away in Cincinnati.


Was that the airline’s fault? Perhapsthe flight attendants should have done a more forceful job of making sure everypassenger, conscious or not, was aware of his arrival in Louisville. But onecan hardly blame the airline more than one would a train conductor for apassenger’s missed stop.


Earlier this year, a Dutch teenager in searchof adventure before starting college booked a flight to Sydney. On his layoverin Toronto, he thought that the plane he was boarding seemed awfully small totake him 10,000 miles to Australia. But the flight was designated asSydney-bound, so he got on board. It was only after takeoff, when he looked atthe map and saw the plane going east instead of west, that he realisedsomething was wrong. Soon he landed in Sydney, Nova Scotia. He didn’t staylong, given that a blizzard was on its way and he’d packed beach clothes.


Who was to blame? Given that anAmerican woman on the same flight apparently also thought she was headed DownUnder, the ticket-seller clearly had not done a great job of noting thedistinction. But really it is also incumbent on the flyer to make sure he is bound,say, for Monterrey, Mexico and not Monterey, California.


But in the case of a recent disputebetween a French woman and United Airlines, it is hard not to put all of theblame on the airline. Unlike our unfortunate Dutch friend, she had a ticketbooked between the right two airports, Newark and Paris. She found the gatelisted on her boarding pass and entered the plane. Oddly, someone was sittingin her seat, but a flight attendant directed her to a free one, and shestrapped in and took off.


Six hours later, she landed in SanFrancisco.


It turned out that United hadannounced a gate change back in Newark, but the woman, who spoke no English,did not understand and had no reason to think it applied to her. Here was thefirst mistake by United: critical announcements such as these should really bemade in the languages of the origin and destination countries.


But bigger lapses were to come.United allowed a passenger to board the wrong flight. Either the gate agent didnot scan her boarding pass or the scanner rejected it and she was allowed onanyway. (As Gary Leffpointed outon his View From the Wingblog, American airlines do not typically re-check boarding passes at theaeroplane door, while those in many other countries do.) And when she told crewthat someone was in her seat, the flight attendant should have checked herboarding pass and noticed that she was on the wrong plane.

更大的错误还在后面:美联航让乘客登上了错误的航班。要么是登机口的工作人员没扫描她的登机牌,要么是扫描仪根本没扫出来,反正她就这么上了飞机。(正如Gary Leff在他的博客View From the Wing中指出,大多数国家的航空公司通常都会在飞机入口处再次确认乘客的登机牌,而美国的航空公司却没有。)而且,当这位大姐告诉空乘她的座位被人占了的时候,空姐本应该再次看看她的登机牌,然后就能发现她上错了飞机。

The passenger’s family is most concernedabout the safety implications of United’s oversights. “My aunt could have beenanyone,” her English-speaking niecetoldABC7. “She could have been aterrorist and killed people on that flight and they didn't know.” But that isnot likely. After all, she had already made it through security, and airlinesdo not deter terrorism by making sure everyone is on the right plane.


The far bigger issue is simply the realisationof every flyer’s nightmare of ending up in the wrong city. When the flight crewannounces over the plane’s PA, “If Chicago is not your destination, please seea member of the crew,” most of us laugh it off, assuming that there are enoughchecks to prevent that from occurring. As these anecdotes remind us, there arenot.


United settled a suit with the Frenchpassenger, admitted fault, and apologised. But the airline must take steps toensure this does not happen in the future. Maybe, two weeks after Unitedannouncedten policy changes following ahorrific incident in which a passenger was dragged off one of its flights, itought to add a couple of new ones to the list.


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