App is not indexable by Google Search; consider adding at least one Activity with an ACTION-VIEW ...

最近Android studio升级为3.2.0之后,出现了很多的新的问题,比如说清单文件大面积提示警告,就是下面这种,还有一句话

App is not indexable by Google Search; consider adding at least one Activity with an ACTION-VIEW intent filter. See issue explanation for more details.
To enable Google to crawl your app content and allow users to enter your app from search results, you must add intent filters for the relevant activities in your app manifest. These intent filters allow deep linking to the content in any of your activities. For example, the user might click on a deep link to view a page within a shopping app that describes a product offering that the user is searching for.

App is not indexable by Google Search; consider adding at least one Activity with an ACTION-VIEW ..._第1张图片




你可能感兴趣的:(App is not indexable by Google Search; consider adding at least one Activity with an ACTION-VIEW ...)