【Android】ORM框架greenDao 3

作者:邹峰立,微博:zrunker,邮箱:[email protected],微信公众号:书客创作,个人平台:www.ibooker.cc。

本文选自书客创作平台第10篇文章。阅读原文 。

【Android】ORM框架greenDao 3_第1张图片


greenDao 3相对于greenDao 2的使用还是有一些区别的。greenDao 3更加精简,采用注解的方式。那么greenDao 3究竟该如何使用呢?

greenDao 3的使用


dependencies {
    implementation 'org.greenrobot:greendao:3.2.2'
apply plugin: 'org.greenrobot.greendao' // apply plugin
// 配置数据库的信息
greendao {
    schemaVersion 1 // 对应当前数据库版本
    daoPackage 'cc.ibooker.greendao' // 由GreenDao自动生成代码所在的包名,默认的是在项目包下面新建一个gen。
    targetGenDir 'src/main/java' // 设置自动生成代码的目录


buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath 'org.greenrobot:greendao-gradle-plugin:3.2.2' // add plugin

注意:github中提示添加maven仓库,但是android studio 项目已经默认包含了jcenter仓库,而jcenter仓库就是maven仓库的一个分支,因此我们不要再添加仓库,直接添加classPath即可。


 * 用户表+实体类
 * Created by 邹峰立 on 2017/9/23 0023.
        // active表示update/delete/refresh 方法是否自动生成,默认为false
        active = true,
        // createInDb表示是否在数据库中创建该表,默认为true
        createInDb = true,
        // generateConstructors表示是否生成构造方法(一般有两个,一个有参数,一个无参数),默认为true
        generateConstructors = true,
        // indexes表示数据表查询返回数据默认排序,name中的字段是该实体在数据表中的列名,value表示改实体的真实名称,unique表示是否唯一(默认为false)
        indexes = {@Index(value = "_id ASC"),@Index(value = "uId DESC")},
        // nameInDb表示数据表的名称默认为实体类的名称
        nameInDb = "t_user",
        // 表示是否生成get/set方法,默认为true
        generateGettersSetters = true
public class User  {
    @Id(autoincrement = true)
    @Property(nameInDb = "_id")
    private Long _id;
    @Property(nameInDb = "u_id")
    private long uId;
    @Property(nameInDb = "u_realname")
    private String uRealName;
    @Property(nameInDb = "u_sex")
    private String uSex;
    @Property(nameInDb = "u_birthday")
    private String uBirthday;
    @Property(nameInDb = "u_height")
    private float uHeight;
    @Property(nameInDb = "u_weight")
    private float uWeight;
    @Property(nameInDb = "u_domicile")
    private String uDomicile;
    @Property(nameInDb = "u_phone")
    private long uPhone;
    @Property(nameInDb = "u_email")
    private String uEmail;
    @Property(nameInDb = "u_weibo")
    private String uWeibo;

    // 一堆多
    @ToMany(referencedJoinProperty = "fUid")
    private List friends;

    public User() {

    public User(long uId, String uRealName, String uSex, String uBirthday, float uHeight, float uWeight, String uDomicile, long uPhone, String uEmail, String uWeibo) {
        this.uId = uId;
        this.uRealName = uRealName;
        this.uSex = uSex;
        this.uBirthday = uBirthday;
        this.uHeight = uHeight;
        this.uWeight = uWeight;
        this.uDomicile = uDomicile;
        this.uPhone = uPhone;
        this.uEmail = uEmail;
        this.uWeibo = uWeibo;

    public long getuId() {
        return uId;

    public void setuId(long uId) {
        this.uId = uId;

    public String getuRealName() {
        return uRealName;

    public void setuRealName(String uRealName) {
        this.uRealName = uRealName;

    public String getuSex() {
        return uSex;

    public void setuSex(String uSex) {
        this.uSex = uSex;

    public String getuBirthday() {
        return uBirthday;

    public void setuBirthday(String uBirthday) {
        this.uBirthday = uBirthday;

    public float getuHeight() {
        return uHeight;

    public void setuHeight(float uHeight) {
        this.uHeight = uHeight;

    public float getuWeight() {
        return uWeight;

    public void setuWeight(float uWeight) {
        this.uWeight = uWeight;

    public String getuDomicile() {
        return uDomicile;

    public void setuDomicile(String uDomicile) {
        this.uDomicile = uDomicile;

    public long getuPhone() {
        return uPhone;

    public void setuPhone(long uPhone) {
        this.uPhone = uPhone;

    public String getuEmail() {
        return uEmail;

    public void setuEmail(String uEmail) {
        this.uEmail = uEmail;

    public String getuWeibo() {
        return uWeibo;

    public void setuWeibo(String uWeibo) {
        this.uWeibo = uWeibo;

    public String toString() {
        return "User{" +
                "uId=" + uId +
                ", uRealName='" + uRealName + '\'' +
                ", uSex='" + uSex + '\'' +
                ", uBirthday='" + uBirthday + '\'' +
                ", uHeight=" + uHeight +
                ", uWeight=" + uWeight +
                ", uDomicile='" + uDomicile + '\'' +
                ", uPhone=" + uPhone +
                ", uEmail='" + uEmail + '\'' +
                ", uWeibo='" + uWeibo + '\'' +
 * 朋友表+实体类
 * Created by 邹峰立 on 2017/9/23 0023.
        // active表示update/delete/refresh 方法是否自动生成,默认为false
        active = true,
        // createInDb表示是否在数据库中创建该表,默认为true
        createInDb = true,
        // generateConstructors表示是否生成构造方法(一般有两个,一个有参数,一个无参数),默认为true
        generateConstructors = true,
        // indexes表示数据表查询返回数据默认排序,name中的字段是该实体在数据表中的列名,value表示改实体的真实名称,unique表示是否唯一(默认为false)
        indexes = {@Index(value = "_id ASC"),@Index(value = "fId DESC")},
        // nameInDb表示数据表的名称默认为实体类的名称
        nameInDb = "t_friend",
        // 表示是否生成get/set方法,默认为true
        generateGettersSetters = true
public class Friend {
    @Id(autoincrement = true)
    @Property(nameInDb = "_id")
    private Long _id;
    @Property(nameInDb = "f_id")
    private long fId;// ID
    @Property(nameInDb = "f_gname")
    private String fGname;// 组名
    @Property(nameInDb = "f_uid")
    private long fUid;// 用户ID

    @ToOne(joinProperty = "fUid")
    private User user;

    public Friend() {

    public Friend(long fId, String fGname, long fUid) {
        this.fId = fId;
        this.fGname = fGname;
        this.fUid = fUid;

    public long getfId() {
        return fId;

    public void setfId(long fId) {
        this.fId = fId;

    public String getfGname() {
        return fGname;

    public void setfGname(String fGname) {
        this.fGname = fGname;

    public long getfUid() {
        return fUid;

    public void setfUid(long fUid) {
        this.fUid = fUid;

    public String toString() {
        return "Friend{" +
                "fId=" + fId +
                ", fGname='" + fGname + '\'' +
                ", fUid=" + fUid +


@Entity   用于描述实体类名,其中active表示update/delete/refresh 方法是否自动生成,默认为false.
    createInDb   表示是否在数据库中创建表,默认为true,如果为false,将不创建该表.
    generateConstructors   表示是否自动生成构造方法(一个有参构造,一个无参构造).
    indexes   表示制定查询数据返回的默认排序规则.(@Index中的value制定排序的数据表中的列明加上排序规则即(ASC/DESC),
    name   表示......,unique   表示是否唯一即SQL中的去重复
    如果按照多个字段来排序可以这样(比如(indexes={@Index(value="ID ASC"),@Index(value="AGE DESC")}或者
    indexes={@Index(value="ID ASC AGE DESC")})))
    nameInDb   表示该实体对应的数据表的名称,默认为实体名的拼音全大写
    generateGettersSetters   表示是否自动生成get/set方法,默认为true
@Id   标识主键,该字段的类型为long或Long类型(推荐Long),autoincrement设置是否自动增长,默认为false
@Property   标识该属性在表中对应的列名称, nameInDb设置名称
@Transient   表示在创建数据表时候忽略这个字段,也就是在创建表的时候不会创建这个字段
@NotNull   设置表中当前列的值不可为空
@Convert   指定自定义类型(@linkPropertyConverter)
@Generated   greenDAO运行所产生的构造函数或者方法,被此标注的代码可以变更或者下次运行时清除
@Index   使用@Index作为一个属性来创建一个索引;定义多列索引(@link Entity#indexes())
@JoinEntity   定义表连接关系
@JoinProperty   定义名称和引用名称属性关系
@referencedJoinProperty   表示当前标识的实体对应的数据表的主键
@Keep   注解的代码段在GreenDao下次运行时保持不变
@OrderBy   指定排序
@ToMany   定义与多个实体对象的关系
@ToOne   定义与另一个实体(一个实体对象)的关系
@Unique   向数据库列添加了一个唯一的约束


点击工具栏build下面的Make Project,对项目进行重新构建,在daoPackage的目录下就会自动生成相应的类(DaoMaster,DaoSession,FriendDao,UserDao),同时对应的实体类也发生改变。

【Android】ORM框架greenDao 3_第2张图片


 * 朋友表+实体类
 * Created by 邹峰立 on 2017/9/23 0023.
        // active表示update/delete/refresh 方法是否自动生成,默认为false
        active = true,
        // createInDb表示是否在数据库中创建该表,默认为true
        createInDb = true,
        // generateConstructors表示是否生成构造方法(一般有两个,一个有参数,一个无参数),默认为true
        generateConstructors = true,
        // indexes表示数据表查询返回数据默认排序,name中的字段是该实体在数据表中的列名,value表示改实体的真实名称,unique表示是否唯一(默认为false)
        indexes = {@Index(value = "_id ASC"),@Index(value = "fId DESC")},
        // nameInDb表示数据表的名称默认为实体类的名称
        nameInDb = "t_friend",
        // 表示是否生成get/set方法,默认为true
        generateGettersSetters = true
public class Friend {
    @Id(autoincrement = true)
    @Property(nameInDb = "_id")
    private long _id;
    @Property(nameInDb = "f_id")
    private long fId;// ID
    @Property(nameInDb = "f_gname")
    private String fGname;// 组名
    @Property(nameInDb = "f_uid")
    private long fUid;// 用户ID

    @ToOne(joinProperty = "fUid")
    private User user;
    /** Used to resolve relations */
    @Generated(hash = 2040040024)
    private transient DaoSession daoSession;
    /** Used for active entity operations. */
    @Generated(hash = 76285035)
    private transient FriendDao myDao;
    @Generated(hash = 251390918)
    private transient Long user__resolvedKey;

    public Friend() {

    public Friend(long fId, String fGname, long fUid) {
        this.fId = fId;
        this.fGname = fGname;
        this.fUid = fUid;

    @Generated(hash = 1517071117)
    public Friend(long _id, long fId, @NotNull String fGname, long fUid) {
        this._id = _id;
        this.fId = fId;
        this.fGname = fGname;
        this.fUid = fUid;

    public long getfId() {
        return fId;

    public void setfId(long fId) {
        this.fId = fId;

    public String getfGname() {
        return fGname;

    public void setfGname(String fGname) {
        this.fGname = fGname;

    public long getfUid() {
        return fUid;

    public void setfUid(long fUid) {
        this.fUid = fUid;

    public String toString() {
        return "Friend{" +
                "fId=" + fId +
                ", fGname='" + fGname + '\'' +
                ", fUid=" + fUid +

    public long get_id() {
        return this._id;

    public void set_id(long _id) {
        this._id = _id;

    public long getFId() {
        return this.fId;

    public void setFId(long fId) {
        this.fId = fId;

    public String getFGname() {
        return this.fGname;

    public void setFGname(String fGname) {
        this.fGname = fGname;

    public long getFUid() {
        return this.fUid;

    public void setFUid(long fUid) {
        this.fUid = fUid;

    /** To-one relationship, resolved on first access. */
    @Generated(hash = 736394026)
    public User getUser() {
        long __key = this.fUid;
        if (user__resolvedKey == null || !user__resolvedKey.equals(__key)) {
            final DaoSession daoSession = this.daoSession;
            if (daoSession == null) {
                throw new DaoException("Entity is detached from DAO context");
            UserDao targetDao = daoSession.getUserDao();
            User userNew = targetDao.load(__key);
            synchronized (this) {
                user = userNew;
                user__resolvedKey = __key;
        return user;

    /** called by internal mechanisms, do not call yourself. */
    @Generated(hash = 113038422)
    public void setUser(@NotNull User user) {
        if (user == null) {
            throw new DaoException(
                    "To-one property 'fUid' has not-null constraint; cannot set to-one to null");
        synchronized (this) {
            this.user = user;
            fUid = user.get_id();
            user__resolvedKey = fUid;

     * Convenient call for {@link org.greenrobot.greendao.AbstractDao#delete(Object)}.
     * Entity must attached to an entity context.
    @Generated(hash = 128553479)
    public void delete() {
        if (myDao == null) {
            throw new DaoException("Entity is detached from DAO context");

     * Convenient call for {@link org.greenrobot.greendao.AbstractDao#refresh(Object)}.
     * Entity must attached to an entity context.
    @Generated(hash = 1942392019)
    public void refresh() {
        if (myDao == null) {
            throw new DaoException("Entity is detached from DAO context");

     * Convenient call for {@link org.greenrobot.greendao.AbstractDao#update(Object)}.
     * Entity must attached to an entity context.
    @Generated(hash = 713229351)
    public void update() {
        if (myDao == null) {
            throw new DaoException("Entity is detached from DAO context");

    /** called by internal mechanisms, do not call yourself. */
    @Generated(hash = 1516049992)
    public void __setDaoSession(DaoSession daoSession) {
        this.daoSession = daoSession;
        myDao = daoSession != null ? daoSession.getFriendDao() : null;



 * OpenHelper
 * Created by 邹峰立 on 2017/9/23 0023.
public class DBHelper extends DaoMaster.OpenHelper {
    public static final String DBNAME = "ibookerdata.db";

    public DBHelper(Context context, String name) {
        this(context, name, null);

    public DBHelper(Context context, String name, SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory factory) {
        super(context, name, factory);

     * 当数据库版本更新的时候回调函数
     * @param db         数据库对象
     * @param oldVersion 数据库旧版本
     * @param newVersion 数据库新版本
    public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
        super.onUpgrade(db, oldVersion, newVersion);
        if (newVersion > oldVersion) {
            // 创建临时表
            // 复制旧数据到临时表
            // 数据库(表)删除
            // 临时表重命名


 * GreenDao管理类
public class GreenDaoManager {
    private DaoMaster mDaoMaster;
    private DaoSession mDaoSession;
    private static volatile GreenDaoManager mInstance = null;

    // 构造方法
    private GreenDaoManager() {
        if (mInstance == null) {
            // 重写DBHelper数据库升级,数据不丢失
            // MyApplication.getContext()上下文表示了数据库存储路径为手机内存
            DBHelper helper = new DBHelper(MyApplication.getInstance(), DBHelper.DBNAME, null);
            mDaoMaster = new DaoMaster(helper.getWritableDatabase());
            mDaoSession = mDaoMaster.newSession();

    // 单例模式
    public static GreenDaoManager getInstance() {
        if (mInstance == null) {
            synchronized (GreenDaoManager.class) {
                if (mInstance == null) {
                    mInstance = new GreenDaoManager();
        return mInstance;

    public DaoMaster getMaster() {
        return mDaoMaster;

    public DaoSession getSession() {
        return mDaoSession;

    // 获取新的DaoSession
    public DaoSession getNewSession() {
        mDaoSession = mDaoMaster.newSession();
        return mDaoSession;

    // 打印查询日志
    public static void enableQueryBuilderLog(){
        QueryBuilder.LOG_SQL = true;
        QueryBuilder.LOG_VALUES = true;


 * 自定义MyApplication
 * Created by 邹峰立 on 2017/9/23 0023.
public class MyApplication extends Application {
    private static MyApplication instance;

    public void onCreate() {
        // 全局上下文赋值
        instance = this;
        // 初始化数据库

    // 获取全局上下文对象
    public static MyApplication getInstance() {
        return instance;



 * 对数据库t_user进行管理
 * Created by 邹峰立 on 2017/9/23 0023.
public class UserDbUtil {
    private static volatile UserDbUtil mInstance = null;
    private UserDao userDao;

    // 构造方法
    private UserDbUtil() {
        if (mInstance == null) {
            userDao = GreenDaoManager.getInstance().getSession().getUserDao();

    // 单例
    public static UserDbUtil getInstance() {
        if (mInstance == null) {
            synchronized (UserDbUtil.class) {
                if (mInstance == null) {
                    mInstance = new UserDbUtil();
        return mInstance;

    // 查询全部用户信息
    private List queryAll() {
        List users = userDao.queryBuilder().list();
        for (User user : users)
            Log.d("queryAll", user.toString());
        return users;
 * 朋友表t_friend进行管理
 * Created by 邹峰立 on 2017/9/23 0023.
public class FriendDbUtil {
    private static volatile FriendDbUtil mInstance = null;
    private FriendDao friendDao;

    // 构造方法
    private FriendDbUtil() {
        if (mInstance == null) {
            friendDao = GreenDaoManager.getInstance().getSession().getFriendDao();

    // 单例
    public static FriendDbUtil getInstance() {
        if (mInstance == null) {
            synchronized (UserDbUtil.class) {
                if (mInstance == null) {
                    mInstance = new FriendDbUtil();
        return mInstance;



UserDbUtil userDbUtil = UserDbUtil.getInstance();
List user = userDbUtil.queryAll();


【Android】ORM框架greenDao 3_第3张图片

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