
  1. 登录cocoapods #若网易邮箱收不到邮件,换其他家的邮箱试试
    $ pod trunk register [email protected] 'Orta Therox' --description='macbook air'

  2. 查看登录状态
    $ pod trunk me

  3. 创建podspec
    // 对已有项目创建spec
    $ pod spec create YourProject
    // 利用pod创建lib库
    $ pod lib create MyLibrary

  4. 验证本地podspec
    $ pod spec lint [NAME.podspec]

  5. 发布podspec到cocoapods
    $ pod trunk push [NAME.podspec]
    --allow-warnings #忽略警告

  6. 查看某个包的信息
    $ pod trunk info NAME

  7. 删除podspec(pod v1.0.0.beta.1版本才开始支持)
    $ pod trunk delete NAME VERSION

  8. 添加团队开发成员
    $ pod trunk add-owner pod_name [email protected]

ext1. 创建私有仓库
$ pod repo add REPO_NAME SOURCE_URL

ext2. 检查仓库是否可用
$ cd ~/.cocoapods/repos/REPO_NAME
$ pod repo lint .

ext3. 发布包到私有仓库
$ pod repo push REPO_NAME SPEC_NAME.podspec

ext4. 移除私有仓库
$ pod repo remove [name]

==== pod 指令 ===
$ pod --help


  CocoaPods, the Cocoa library package manager.


+ cache      Manipulate the CocoaPods cache
+ init       Generate a Podfile for the current directory.
+ install    Install project dependencies to Podfile.lock versions
+ ipc        Inter-process communication
+ lib        Develop pods
+ list       List pods
+ outdated   Show outdated project dependencies
+ package    Package a podspec into a static library.
+ plugins    Show available CocoaPods plugins
+ repo       Manage spec-repositories
+ search     Search for pods.
+ setup      Setup the CocoaPods environment
+ spec       Manage pod specs
+ trunk      Interact with the CocoaPods API (e.g. publishing new specs)
+ try        Try a Pod!
+ update     Update outdated project dependencies and create new Podfile.lock


--silent     Show nothing
--version    Show the version of the tool
--verbose    Show more debugging information
--no-ansi    Show output without ANSI codes
--help       Show help banner of specified command
