[第109次听写]恋恋笔记本 365封信能挽回失去的爱人吗?

[第109次听写]恋恋笔记本 365封信能挽回失去的爱人吗?_第1张图片


我是Wind, 以前是字幕组组长. 我每天早上听写1分钟电影, 已经坚持3个月了.

我猜你喜欢看电影和美剧对吧? 我猜你看的时候离不开字幕对吧? 你想不想甩掉字幕? 跟我一起做听写吧! 拿出纸和笔, 把你听懂的句子写下来, 随意暂停, 查字典, 反复听都可以. 只有行动才能带来改变! 听完在评论里打个卡~


Noah was desperate.
He wrote to Ally that he was sorry and stupid for breaking up with her.
he wrote to tell her that he still loved her.
and he wanted to see her.
and that if she would write back, he would come to wherever she was.
he wrote one letter a day for a year.
365 letters.
but they all went unanswered.
hi friend. you come in?(Hi, Fred. nothing?)
alright, thank you.
finally after a year of silence
he decided to put it all behind him and started(start) a new life
so he wrote a farewell letter
/我猜是: 把它寄出去了/(And he and Fin packed their bags and headed for Atlanta)


head for

to aim for or move toward someone or something.

She waved good-bye as she headed for the door.
她挥手告别, 朝着门口走去

Ann came in and headed for her mother.
Ann进来了, 朝她妈妈走去

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