麦豆悦读英文绘本讲师训练营【11】期 3/21 英文绘本赏析

1109  谢娟娟 Selina                                                  今天进行赏析的是昨天同一系列,题目是Polar bear,Polar bear ,What do you hear ? 学员为小学一~二年级。

麦豆悦读英文绘本讲师训练营【11】期 3/21 英文绘本赏析_第1张图片

        Warm up: Hello kids,I am your old friend Selina. I miss you so much. Do you miss me?  Teacher will hug everyone.                  Lead in: Today I am going to show you different sounds .Listen carefully, if you know what the sound is,raise your hand.    Kids will try to tell the sounds.       

麦豆悦读英文绘本讲师训练营【11】期 3/21 英文绘本赏析_第2张图片

        Presentation :All of you did a fantastic job. And now  we are going to see a picture book which you will see more  cute animals.  Teacher will read the book with different intonations. And at  the same time, ask different questions.

        Extended activities: 1 Students wear a headgear and do actions ,make sounds of the animals. 2 All the students sing the chant and make a circle .The animal which was sang in the chant will be in the center of the circle. 3 Kids will try to do the role play.                                                                            Ended activities: Teacher shows students the whole story and  students sing the chant. 以上为此次绘本阅读的教学呈现,同时这一系列的书在重复性上特征明显,使用一问一答的方式有趣又高效。孩子乐于参与其中,教学互动性强。图书后配有对应绘本内容的练习,对于获知孩子的学习效果有及时检测的作用。

麦豆悦读英文绘本讲师训练营【11】期 3/21 英文绘本赏析_第3张图片

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