呃,這是幫空姐翻譯的戰報的原文, 留個紀錄吧。
原作者 : Peter Gross,UG戰隊高層,自2013年起就是UG戰隊的一員。
原鏈接 :http://www.unitedgosus.com/reign-of-the-fire-king/
UG戰隊的轉載&翻译許可 :
以下,正文 :
Photo Credit: Ricarda Reicher
I’m very sorry for the huge delay, but here is my report (let’s call it report because in real, it’s a collection of all the data from the event)!
Monster: 15
3Fire King Avatar Yaksha
3Fire King Avatar Barong
3Coach Soldier Wolfbark
2Fire King High Avatar Garunix
2Fire King Avatar Garunix
1Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear
1Maxx “C”
Spell: 14
3Onslaught of the Fire Kings
3Fire Formation - Tenki
3Mystical Space Typhoon
1Book of Moon
1Circle of the Fire Kings
Trap: 11
2Fiendish Chain
2Generation Shift
2Breakthrough Skill
1Bottomless Trap Hole
1Solemn Warning
1Mirror Force
1Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare
1Torrential Tribute
Extra Deck: 15
2Number 101: Silent Honor ARK
2Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King
2Abyss Dweller
2Diamond Dire Wolf
1Number 106: Giant Hand
1Bujintei Kagutsuchi
1Gagaga Cowboy
1Evilswarm Exciton Knight
1Number 85: Crazy Box
1Photon Papilloperative
1Number 50: Blackship of Corn
Side Deck: 15
1Maxx “C”
1Dark Hole
3Light-Imprisoning Mirror
3Dust Tornado
1Mirror Force
1Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare
I want to thank Michael Ciplak again for sharing his ideas with me; like me he is always searching for the perfect Deck to beat the meta and he does a great job!
Peter Gross is the Vice-President, Players and has been a member of United Gosus since 2013. For more information on Peter check out hismember profile.