<轉>Reign of the Fire King

呃,這是幫空姐翻譯的戰報的原文, 留個紀錄吧。

原作者 : Peter Gross,UG戰隊高層,自2013年起就是UG戰隊的一員。

原鏈接 :http://​www.​unitedgosus.​com/​reign-of-the-fire-king/​

UG戰隊的轉載&翻译許可 :

<轉>Reign of the Fire King_第1张图片

以下,正文 :

<轉>Reign of the Fire King_第2张图片

Photo Credit: Ri­carda Re­icher

I’m very sorry for the huge delay, but here is my re­port (let’s call it re­port be­cause in real, it’s a col­lec­tion of all the data from the event)!

<轉>Reign of the Fire King_第3张图片

<轉>Reign of the Fire King_第4张图片

Mon­ster: 15

3Fire King Avatar Yak­sha

3Fire King Avatar Barong

3Coach Sol­dier Wolf­bark

2Fire King High Avatar Garunix

2Fire King Avatar Garunix

1Broth­er­hood of the Fire Fist - Bear

1Maxx “C”

Spell: 14

3On­slaught of the Fire Kings


3Fire For­ma­tion - Tenki

3Mys­ti­cal Space Ty­phoon

1Book of Moon

1Cir­cle of the Fire Kings

Trap: 11

2Fiendish Chain

2Gen­er­a­tion Shift

2Break­through Skill

1Bot­tom­less Trap Hole

1Solemn Warn­ing

1Mir­ror Force

1Trap­trix Trap Hole Night­mare

1Tor­ren­tial Trib­ute

Extra Deck: 15

2Num­ber 101: Silent Honor ARK

2Broth­er­hood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King

2Abyss Dweller

2Di­a­mond Dire Wolf

1Num­ber 106: Giant Hand

1Bu­jin­tei Kagut­suchi

1Gagaga Cow­boy

1Evil­swarm Ex­ci­ton Knight

1Num­ber 85: Crazy Box

1Pho­ton Pa­pil­lop­er­a­tive

1Num­ber 50: Black­ship of Corn

Side Deck: 15

1Maxx “C”

1Dark Hole

3Light-Im­pris­on­ing Mir­ror

3Dust Tor­nado



1Mir­ror Force

1Trap­trix Trap Hole Night­mare

<轉>Reign of the Fire King_第5张图片

I want to thank Michael Ciplak again for shar­ing his ideas with me; like me he is al­ways search­ing for the per­fect Deck to beat the meta and he does a great job!


Peter Gross is the Vice-Pres­i­dent, Play­ers and has been a mem­ber of United Gosus since 2013. For more in­for­ma­tion on Peter check out hismem­ber pro­file.



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