Want to be rich? Find strong enough why

Everybody could choose to be rich, the key is to find strong enough why. 

Want to be rich? Find strong enough why_第1张图片

"How to" is basically the same. In terms of being financially free, how to is to save and invest, and the specific measures following are almost the same as well. But still,  only minority is able to get rich in the end.  Why?

It's simply because people are not able to search the reason from the bottom of their hearts to be financially free. We see majority people quit on the road to get rich, not because they are lacking of persistence, intelligence, but they didn't find strong enough why.

The road to be financially free is clear, everybody could be able to become a rich person if they follow it strictly, yet the reason behind it varies. Only if you hit the strong enough why to get rich, you will insist on the road. For  myself, what's the strong why. I listed:

1. I want to spend  my time freely, go anywhere I want.

2. I am bored with be on average. I want to be above average financially.

3. I want my family don't have to count the dollars when they buy something. 

Yours would be widely different, but you should try to list it as well, if you want to be rich and get yourself financially free.

你可能感兴趣的:(Want to be rich? Find strong enough why)