hol.istic|hol-,holo- 整体的 #每日一词#

title: holist
date: 2018-08-14 15:48:46
NO_sents: 178
NO_references: 57


  • Moreover, systems biology, by providing a holistic approach, may help to uncover the molecular players, their complex networks of interaction and key hubs underpinning developmental processes, and responses to external disturbances. (Plomion et al., 2016)
  • Another direction of methodological development would be to extend our ability to analyze biological systems in a holistic way. (de Villemereuil, 2018)
  • Therefore, viewed in the scope of a holistic breeding program and objectives, there are only marginal costs associated with predicting disease resistance. (Poland, Rutkoski, 2016)
  • These selected examples illustrate why a more holistic understanding of plant disease is needed to better understand beneficial interactions across the plant microbiome (Van der Putten et al., 2001). (Hacquard, Schadt, 2015)
  • The most important innovation we need is holistic thinking about all of our resources. (Scientific American)
  • The approach utilises a factor analytic (FA) model to capture the variance structure of the additive genotype-by-environment (A E) effects in a parsimonious and holistic manner and uses an approximate reduced animal model to overcome computational issues. (Cullis et al., 2014)

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