What Happens to Me after Ten-day Meditation

Here is a story about my trying on meditation.
I've only enjoyed it for 10 days.

It's been a long time I couldn't find the way to enter this door.
Each time I sat down, I fell asleep quickly.
But one day, a comrade made an App of meditation and shared it in one of my wechat group.
I tried it at once. I didnot fall asleep! From that day on, I continued meditation everyday.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb said in the book "Antifragile: Things That Gain from Dis" that we should find the things,that there's a lower limit for the loss, but the return may be unlimited.
Meditation is one of the opportunities for self-investment.

After 10 days' meditation, my training program is:

1, Sitting position is no longer bothering me. I can be ready at any time any where. I can be in a car, on a chair, or in the crowd. Just keep my eyes closed, make my breath slow and deep, and then relax.

2, Let the thoughts come in and out, and me just sitting like a bystander beside a crowed road looking at the stream of traffic.

3, If there is a body pain, just focus on the pain, and wait till it relieves.

And what happens to me after ten-day meditation? Here it is:

My daily work efficiency has increased, and my concentration in one pomodoro time has improved.

But it's because of meditation, or my daily checking, or because I adjusted the rhythm of my word? I can't tell it.

Anyway, meditation is my optionality. I will continue practicing, and then silently waiting for the arrival of the "black swan".

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