盖茨荐书:《人性中的善良天使》 2017-05-21


by Kate Samuelson

date: May 16, 2017

As part of a string of tweets packed with useful advice for new college graduates, the philanthropist and former chief executive of Microsoft told his Twitter followers that if he could "give each of [them] a graduation present" he would give them copies of The Better Angels of Our Nature: A History of Violence and Humanity by Steven Pinker.


The book, which was shortlisted for the Samuel Johnson Prize in 2012, an annual British prize for the best non-fiction writing in the English language, is described as a history of violence and humanity. Pinker's publisher, Penguin, states on its website that the book "argues that, contrary to popular belief, humankind has become progressively less violent, over millennia and decades."

[Steven Pinker] shows how the world is getting better. Sounds crazy, but it’s true. This is the most peaceful time in human history," Gates wrote.

这本书是关于暴力与人性的历史,其出版商给出的评述:「(该书)认为,与当今大众观点相反,人类经过了成百上千年已经渐渐削减暴力。」盖茨评述:「(该书作者)Steven Pinker展现了世界正变得美好。虽然听起来很疯狂,但是这是真实的。人类正处于历史上最和平的年代。」

As well as recommending college graduates to read Pinker's bestseller, Gates advised them: "Surround yourself with people who challenge you, teach you, and push you to be your best self." ("As Melinda Gates does for me," he added.) He also revealed that if he was starting out today, he would work in artificial intelligence, energy, or biosciences, which he described as "promising fields where you can make a huge impact."






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