
Your most import skill: Empathy
Empathy(同理心),与人相处最重要的技能,让自己学会倾听,回复(反击)别人之前考虑一会再说而不是凭你的直观鲁莽感觉。在做产品设计,方法论也有empathy map:https://www.ibm.com/devops/method/content/think/practice_empathy_maps/

GitLab’s Secret to Managing Employees in 160 Locations: Write Everything Down

  • most intelligent guys:人很重要,聪明且自律
  • 像onboarding这种流程性的东西,让员工有个地方能够看到而不是来个人就解释一遍
  • great tools like video conf Zoom:工具很重要,Google docs,chat和视频会议
  • 定期的管理成会议和全体员工(非强迫参加)的会议
  • 定期整个公司聚集在一起
  • 要解决timezone的问题

关于聊天机器人,从Watson Conversation service的使用体验来说,我也不看好这玩意。

As Goldman Embraces Automation, Even the Masters of the Universe Are Threatened

Goldman Sachs has already begun to automate currency trading, and has found consistently that four traders can be replaced by one computer engineer, Chavez said at the Harvard conference. Some 9,000 people, about one-third of Goldman’s staff, are computer engineers.
Next, Chavez said, will be the automation of investment banking tasks, work that traditionally has been focused on human skills like salesmanship and building relationships. Though those “rainmakers” won’t be replaced entirely, Goldman has already mapped 146 distinct steps taken in any initial public offering of stock, and many are “begging to be automated,” he said.

We have a problem with promises
