3.11 Device 设备 - Sound Player Settings 声音播放设置

Customize a Sound Player.

3.11 Device 设备 - Sound Player Settings 声音播放设置_第1张图片


Volume 音量
A number from 0-1 that represents the volume of the sound.

Rate 速率
A number from .03 to 32 that represents the speed of the sound.

Pitch 音高
A number from -2400 to 2400 that represents the pitch of the sound.

Pan 立体音
A number from -1 to 1 that represents where the sound is played from in stereo, where -1 is left, and 1 is right.


Output 输出口
The settings to pass to a Sound Player.
连接到 Sound Player 模块。

Related Patches 相关模块

Sound Player

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