蔚蓝海岛旅拍 | 情侣写意

蔚蓝海岛旅拍 | 情侣写意_第1张图片
蔚蓝海岛旅拍 | 情侣写意_第2张图片

put on your shoes

people used to tell me

now the think it's like a style

of some kind or something

how do I explain that

I just don't believe in

all this purposely for

the world's perception of me

this is only rubbish put eloquently

like all the gothic poetry

kids are writing

from the high school scene

let's start running

for no reason

let's start laughing

without any jokes

when did we need excuese

to do what we do I won't explain myself

wouldn't you agree that sounds nice

that's right

we can go out

watch a movie

climb out my window

in the middle of the night

and when the world's asleep

we shall dance like mad amusement only

would't you agree that sounds nice



类别:单反摄影 | 人像摄影  | 写真摄影 | 旅拍摄影


设备: Canon 5D mark 3 


风格:低饱、 过曝、情侣、明亮


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