Fresco 缓存策略管理源码分析(一)


 * Fresco entry point.

You must initialize this class before use. The simplest way is to just do * {#code Fresco.initialize(Context)}. */ public class Fresco { private static PipelineDraweeControllerBuilderSupplier sDraweeControllerBuilderSupplier; /** Initializes Fresco with the specified config. */ public static void initialize(Context context, ImagePipelineConfig imagePipelineConfig) { ImagePipelineFactory.initialize(imagePipelineConfig); initializeDrawee(context); } private static void initializeDrawee(Context context) { sDraweeControllerBuilderSupplier = new PipelineDraweeControllerBuilderSupplier(context); SimpleDraweeView.initialize(sDraweeControllerBuilderSupplier); } ....... } public class PipelineDraweeControllerBuilderSupplier implements Supplier { private final Context mContext; private final ImagePipeline mImagePipeline; private final PipelineDraweeControllerFactory mPipelineDraweeControllerFactory; private final Set mBoundControllerListeners; public PipelineDraweeControllerBuilderSupplier(Context context, ImagePipelineFactory imagePipelineFactory, Set boundControllerListeners) { mContext = context; mImagePipeline = imagePipelineFactory.getImagePipeline(); final AnimatedFactory animatedFactory = imagePipelineFactory.getAnimatedFactory(); AnimatedDrawableFactory animatedDrawableFactory = null; if (animatedFactory != null) { animatedDrawableFactory = animatedFactory.getAnimatedDrawableFactory(context); } mPipelineDraweeControllerFactory = new PipelineDraweeControllerFactory( context.getResources(), DeferredReleaser.getInstance(), animatedDrawableFactory, UiThreadImmediateExecutorService.getInstance(), mImagePipeline.getBitmapMemoryCache()); // 一级缓存 mBoundControllerListeners = boundControllerListeners; } ....... }


 * Factory class for the image pipeline.

This class constructs the pipeline and its dependencies from other libraries. * *

As the pipeline object can be quite expensive to create, it is strongly * recommended that applications create just one instance of this class * and of the pipeline. */ @NotThreadSafe public class ImagePipelineFactory { private static ImagePipelineFactory sInstance = null; private final ThreadHandoffProducerQueue mThreadHandoffProducerQueue; // 这货很有用,专门干资源回收的脏活 ....... private final ImagePipelineConfig mConfig; private CountingMemoryCache mBitmapCountingMemoryCache; private MemoryCache mBitmapMemoryCache; private CountingMemoryCache mEncodedCountingMemoryCache; private MemoryCache mEncodedMemoryCache; private BufferedDiskCache mMainBufferedDiskCache; private FileCache mMainFileCache; private ImageDecoder mImageDecoder; private ImagePipeline mImagePipeline; private ProducerFactory mProducerFactory; private ProducerSequenceFactory mProducerSequenceFactory; private BufferedDiskCache mSmallImageBufferedDiskCache; private FileCache mSmallImageFileCache; private PlatformBitmapFactory mPlatformBitmapFactory; private PlatformDecoder mPlatformDecoder; private AnimatedFactory mAnimatedFactory; public MemoryCache getEncodedMemoryCache() { if (mEncodedMemoryCache == null) { mEncodedMemoryCache = EncodedMemoryCacheFactory.get( getEncodedCountingMemoryCache(), mConfig.getImageCacheStatsTracker()); } return mEncodedMemoryCache; } private BufferedDiskCache getMainBufferedDiskCache() { if (mMainBufferedDiskCache == null) { mMainBufferedDiskCache = new BufferedDiskCache( getMainFileCache(), mConfig.getPoolFactory().getPooledByteBufferFactory(), mConfig.getPoolFactory().getPooledByteStreams(), mConfig.getExecutorSupplier().forLocalStorageRead(), mConfig.getExecutorSupplier().forLocalStorageWrite(), mConfig.getImageCacheStatsTracker()); } return mMainBufferedDiskCache; } public FileCache getMainFileCache() { if (mMainFileCache == null) { DiskCacheConfig diskCacheConfig = mConfig.getMainDiskCacheConfig(); mMainFileCache = mConfig.getFileCacheFactory().get(diskCacheConfig); } return mMainFileCache; } public FileCache getSmallImageFileCache() { if (mSmallImageFileCache == null) { DiskCacheConfig diskCacheConfig = mConfig.getSmallImageDiskCacheConfig(); mSmallImageFileCache = mConfig.getFileCacheFactory().get(diskCacheConfig); } return mSmallImageFileCache; } private BufferedDiskCache getSmallImageBufferedDiskCache() { if (mSmallImageBufferedDiskCache == null) { mSmallImageBufferedDiskCache = new BufferedDiskCache( getSmallImageFileCache(), mConfig.getPoolFactory().getPooledByteBufferFactory(), mConfig.getPoolFactory().getPooledByteStreams(), mConfig.getExecutorSupplier().forLocalStorageRead(), mConfig.getExecutorSupplier().forLocalStorageWrite(), mConfig.getImageCacheStatsTracker()); } return mSmallImageBufferedDiskCache; } public CountingMemoryCache getEncodedCountingMemoryCache() { if (mEncodedCountingMemoryCache == null) { mEncodedCountingMemoryCache = EncodedCountingMemoryCacheFactory.get( mConfig.getEncodedMemoryCacheParamsSupplier(), mConfig.getMemoryTrimmableRegistry()); } return mEncodedCountingMemoryCache; } public CountingMemoryCache getBitmapCountingMemoryCache() { if (mBitmapCountingMemoryCache == null) { mBitmapCountingMemoryCache = BitmapCountingMemoryCacheFactory.get( mConfig.getBitmapMemoryCacheParamsSupplier(), mConfig.getMemoryTrimmableRegistry()); } return mBitmapCountingMemoryCache; } public MemoryCache getBitmapMemoryCache() { // 一级缓存 if (mBitmapMemoryCache == null) { mBitmapMemoryCache = BitmapMemoryCacheFactory.get( getBitmapCountingMemoryCache(), mConfig.getImageCacheStatsTracker()); } return mBitmapMemoryCache; } ....... }


public class ImagePipelineConfig {
 // There are a lot of parameters in this class. Please follow strict alphabetical order.
  @Nullable private final AnimatedImageFactory mAnimatedImageFactory;
  private final Bitmap.Config mBitmapConfig;
  private final Supplier mBitmapMemoryCacheParamsSupplier;
  private final CacheKeyFactory mCacheKeyFactory;
  private final Context mContext;
  private final boolean mDownsampleEnabled;
  private final boolean mDecodeMemoryFileEnabled;
  private final FileCacheFactory mFileCacheFactory;
  private final Supplier mEncodedMemoryCacheParamsSupplier;
  private final ExecutorSupplier mExecutorSupplier;
  private final ImageCacheStatsTracker mImageCacheStatsTracker;
  @Nullable private final ImageDecoder mImageDecoder;
  private final Supplier mIsPrefetchEnabledSupplier;
  private final DiskCacheConfig mMainDiskCacheConfig;
  private final MemoryTrimmableRegistry mMemoryTrimmableRegistry;
  private final NetworkFetcher mNetworkFetcher;
  @Nullable private final PlatformBitmapFactory mPlatformBitmapFactory;
  private final PoolFactory mPoolFactory;
  private final ProgressiveJpegConfig mProgressiveJpegConfig;
  private final Set mRequestListeners;
  private final boolean mResizeAndRotateEnabledForNetwork;
  private final DiskCacheConfig mSmallImageDiskCacheConfig;
  private final ImagePipelineExperiments mImagePipelineExperiments;

 private ImagePipelineConfig(Builder builder) {
    mAnimatedImageFactory = builder.mAnimatedImageFactory;
    mBitmapMemoryCacheParamsSupplier =
        builder.mBitmapMemoryCacheParamsSupplier == null ?
            new DefaultBitmapMemoryCacheParamsSupplier(
                (ActivityManager) builder.mContext.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE)) :
    mBitmapConfig =
        builder.mBitmapConfig == null ?
            Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 :
    mCacheKeyFactory =
        builder.mCacheKeyFactory == null ?
            DefaultCacheKeyFactory.getInstance() :
    mContext = Preconditions.checkNotNull(builder.mContext);
    mDecodeMemoryFileEnabled = builder.mDecodeMemoryFileEnabled;
    mFileCacheFactory = builder.mFileCacheFactory == null ?
        new DiskStorageCacheFactory(new DynamicDefaultDiskStorageFactory()) :
    mDownsampleEnabled = builder.mDownsampleEnabled;
    mEncodedMemoryCacheParamsSupplier =
        builder.mEncodedMemoryCacheParamsSupplier == null ?
            new DefaultEncodedMemoryCacheParamsSupplier() :
    mImageCacheStatsTracker =
        builder.mImageCacheStatsTracker == null ?
            NoOpImageCacheStatsTracker.getInstance() :
    mImageDecoder = builder.mImageDecoder;
    mIsPrefetchEnabledSupplier =
        builder.mIsPrefetchEnabledSupplier == null ?
            new Supplier() {
              public Boolean get() {
                return true;
            } :
    mMainDiskCacheConfig =
        builder.mMainDiskCacheConfig == null ?
            getDefaultMainDiskCacheConfig(builder.mContext) :
    mMemoryTrimmableRegistry =
        builder.mMemoryTrimmableRegistry == null ?
            NoOpMemoryTrimmableRegistry.getInstance() :
    mNetworkFetcher =
        builder.mNetworkFetcher == null ?
            new HttpUrlConnectionNetworkFetcher() :
    mPlatformBitmapFactory = builder.mPlatformBitmapFactory;
    mPoolFactory =
        builder.mPoolFactory == null ?
            new PoolFactory(PoolConfig.newBuilder().build()) :
    mProgressiveJpegConfig =
        builder.mProgressiveJpegConfig == null ?
            new SimpleProgressiveJpegConfig() :
    mRequestListeners =
        builder.mRequestListeners == null ?
            new HashSet() :
    mResizeAndRotateEnabledForNetwork = builder.mResizeAndRotateEnabledForNetwork;
    mSmallImageDiskCacheConfig =
        builder.mSmallImageDiskCacheConfig == null ?
            mMainDiskCacheConfig :

    // Below this comment can't be built in alphabetical order, because of dependencies
    int numCpuBoundThreads = mPoolFactory.getFlexByteArrayPoolMaxNumThreads();
    mExecutorSupplier =
        builder.mExecutorSupplier == null ?
            new DefaultExecutorSupplier(numCpuBoundThreads) : builder.mExecutorSupplier;
    mImagePipelineExperiments =;


 * Supplies {@link MemoryCacheParams} for the bitmap memory cache.
public class DefaultBitmapMemoryCacheParamsSupplier implements Supplier {
  private static final int MAX_CACHE_ENTRIES = 256;
  private static final int MAX_EVICTION_QUEUE_SIZE = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
  private static final int MAX_EVICTION_QUEUE_ENTRIES = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
  private static final int MAX_CACHE_ENTRY_SIZE = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

  private final ActivityManager mActivityManager;

  public DefaultBitmapMemoryCacheParamsSupplier(ActivityManager activityManager) {
    mActivityManager = activityManager;

  public MemoryCacheParams get() {
    return new MemoryCacheParams(

  private int getMaxCacheSize() {
    final int maxMemory =
        Math.min(mActivityManager.getMemoryClass() * ByteConstants.MB, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    if (maxMemory < 32 * ByteConstants.MB) {
      return 4 * ByteConstants.MB;
    } else if (maxMemory < 64 * ByteConstants.MB) {
      return 6 * ByteConstants.MB;
    } else {
      // We don't want to use more ashmem on Gingerbread for now, since it doesn't respond well to
      // native memory pressure (doesn't throw exceptions, crashes app, crashes phone)
        return 8 * ByteConstants.MB;
      } else {
        return maxMemory / 4;


public class BitmapCountingMemoryCacheFactory {
  public static CountingMemoryCache get(
      Supplier bitmapMemoryCacheParamsSupplier,
      MemoryTrimmableRegistry memoryTrimmableRegistry) {

    ValueDescriptor valueDescriptor =
        new ValueDescriptor() {
          public int getSizeInBytes(CloseableImage value) {
            return value.getSizeInBytes();

    CountingMemoryCache.CacheTrimStrategy trimStrategy = new BitmapMemoryCacheTrimStrategy();

    CountingMemoryCache countingCache =
        new CountingMemoryCache<>(valueDescriptor, trimStrategy, bitmapMemoryCacheParamsSupplier);


    return countingCache;


 * CountingMemoryCache eviction strategy appropriate for bitmap caches.

If run on KitKat or below, then this TrimStrategy behaves exactly as * NativeMemoryCacheTrimStrategy. If run on Lollipop, then BitmapMemoryCacheTrimStrategy will trim * cache in one additional case: when OnCloseToDalvikHeapLimit trim type is received, cache's * eviction queue will be trimmed according to OnCloseToDalvikHeapLimit's suggested trim ratio. */ public class BitmapMemoryCacheTrimStrategy implements CountingMemoryCache.CacheTrimStrategy { private static final String TAG = "BitmapMemoryCacheTrimStrategy"; @Override public double getTrimRatio(MemoryTrimType trimType) { switch (trimType) { case OnCloseToDalvikHeapLimit: if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { return MemoryTrimType.OnCloseToDalvikHeapLimit.getSuggestedTrimRatio(); } else { // On pre-lollipop versions we keep bitmaps on the native heap, so no need to trim here // as it wouldn't help Dalvik heap anyway. return 0; } case OnAppBackgrounded: case OnSystemLowMemoryWhileAppInForeground: case OnSystemLowMemoryWhileAppInBackground: return 1; default:, "unknown trim type: %s", trimType); return 0; } } }


 * Layer of memory cache stack responsible for managing eviction of the the cached items.

This layer is responsible for LRU eviction strategy and for maintaining the size boundaries * of the cached items. * *

Only the exclusively owned elements, i.e. the elements not referenced by any client, can be * evicted. * * @param the key type * @param the value type */ @ThreadSafe public class CountingMemoryCache implements MemoryCache, MemoryTrimmable { final CountingLruMap> mExclusiveEntries; // Contains all the cached items including the exclusively owned ones. @GuardedBy("this") @VisibleForTesting final CountingLruMap> mCachedEntries; private final ValueDescriptor mValueDescriptor; private final CacheTrimStrategy mCacheTrimStrategy; // Cache size constraints. private final Supplier mMemoryCacheParamsSupplier; @GuardedBy("this") protected MemoryCacheParams mMemoryCacheParams; @GuardedBy("this") private long mLastCacheParamsCheck; public CountingMemoryCache( ValueDescriptor valueDescriptor, CacheTrimStrategy cacheTrimStrategy, Supplier memoryCacheParamsSupplier) { mValueDescriptor = valueDescriptor; mExclusiveEntries = new CountingLruMap<>(wrapValueDescriptor(valueDescriptor)); mCachedEntries = new CountingLruMap<>(wrapValueDescriptor(valueDescriptor)); mCacheTrimStrategy = cacheTrimStrategy; mMemoryCacheParamsSupplier = memoryCacheParamsSupplier; mMemoryCacheParams = mMemoryCacheParamsSupplier.get(); mLastCacheParamsCheck = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); } /** * Caches the given key-value pair. * *

Important: the client should use the returned reference instead of the original one. * It is the caller's responsibility to close the returned reference once not needed anymore. * * @return the new reference to be used, null if the value cannot be cached */ public CloseableReference cache(final K key, final CloseableReference valueRef, final EntryStateObserver observer) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(key); Preconditions.checkNotNull(valueRef); maybeUpdateCacheParams(); Entry oldExclusive; CloseableReference oldRefToClose = null; CloseableReference clientRef = null; synchronized (this) { // remove the old item (if any) as it is stale now oldExclusive = mExclusiveEntries.remove(key); Entry oldEntry = mCachedEntries.remove(key); if (oldEntry != null) { makeOrphan(oldEntry); oldRefToClose = referenceToClose(oldEntry); } if (canCacheNewValue(valueRef.get())) { Entry newEntry = Entry.of(key, valueRef, observer); mCachedEntries.put(key, newEntry); clientRef = newClientReference(newEntry); } } CloseableReference.closeSafely(oldRefToClose); maybeNotifyExclusiveEntryRemoval(oldExclusive); maybeEvictEntries(); return clientRef; } @Nullable public CloseableReference get(final K key) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(key); Entry oldExclusive; CloseableReference clientRef = null; synchronized (this) { oldExclusive = mExclusiveEntries.remove(key); Entry entry = mCachedEntries.get(key); if (entry != null) { clientRef = newClientReference(entry); } } maybeNotifyExclusiveEntryRemoval(oldExclusive); maybeUpdateCacheParams(); maybeEvictEntries(); return clientRef; } public CloseableReference reuse(K key) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(key); CloseableReference clientRef = null; boolean removed = false; Entry oldExclusive = null; synchronized (this) { oldExclusive = mExclusiveEntries.remove(key); if (oldExclusive != null) { Entry entry = mCachedEntries.remove(key); Preconditions.checkNotNull(entry); Preconditions.checkState(entry.clientCount == 0); // optimization: instead of cloning and then closing the original reference, // we just do a move clientRef = entry.valueRef; removed = true; } } if (removed) { maybeNotifyExclusiveEntryRemoval(oldExclusive); } return clientRef; } @Override public synchronized boolean contains(Predicate predicate) { return !mCachedEntries.getMatchingEntries(predicate).isEmpty(); } /** Trims the cache according to the specified trimming strategy and the given trim type. */ @Override public void trim(MemoryTrimType trimType) { ArrayList> oldEntries; final double trimRatio = mCacheTrimStrategy.getTrimRatio(trimType); synchronized (this) { int targetCacheSize = (int) (mCachedEntries.getSizeInBytes() * (1 - trimRatio)); int targetEvictionQueueSize = Math.max(0, targetCacheSize - getInUseSizeInBytes()); oldEntries = trimExclusivelyOwnedEntries(Integer.MAX_VALUE, targetEvictionQueueSize); makeOrphans(oldEntries); } maybeClose(oldEntries); maybeNotifyExclusiveEntryRemoval(oldEntries); maybeUpdateCacheParams(); maybeEvictEntries(); } }

每次cache会根据key释放old数据,把Entry newEntry = Entry.of(key, valueRef, observer);生成一个新的加入,observer是观察者,资源释放时候起作用,valueRef就是bitmap资源对象

 * Map that keeps track of the elements order (according to the LRU policy) and their size.
public class CountingLruMap {

  private final ValueDescriptor mValueDescriptor;

  private final LinkedHashMap mMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
  private int mSizeInBytes = 0;

  public CountingLruMap(ValueDescriptor valueDescriptor) {
    mValueDescriptor = valueDescriptor;

  /** Gets the total size in bytes of the elements in the map. */
  public synchronized int getSizeInBytes() {
    return mSizeInBytes;

  /** Gets the key of the first element in the map. */
  public synchronized K getFirstKey() {
    return mMap.isEmpty() ? null : mMap.keySet().iterator().next();

  /** Gets the all matching elements. */
  public synchronized ArrayList> getMatchingEntries(
      @Nullable Predicate predicate) {
    ArrayList> matchingEntries = new ArrayList<>();
    for (LinkedHashMap.Entry entry : mMap.entrySet()) {
      if (predicate == null || predicate.apply(entry.getKey())) {
    return matchingEntries;

  /** Returns whether the map contains an element with the given key.  */
  public synchronized boolean contains(K key) {
    return mMap.containsKey(key);

  /** Gets the element from the map. */
  public synchronized V get(K key) {
    return mMap.get(key);

  /** Adds the element to the map, and removes the old element with the same key if any. */
  public synchronized V put(K key, V value) {
    // We do remove and insert instead of just replace, in order to cause a structural change
    // to the map, as we always want the latest inserted element to be last in the queue.
    V oldValue = mMap.remove(key);
    mSizeInBytes -= getValueSizeInBytes(oldValue);
    mMap.put(key, value);
    mSizeInBytes += getValueSizeInBytes(value);
    return oldValue;

  /** Removes the element from the map. */
  public synchronized V remove(K key) {
      V oldValue = mMap.remove(key);
      mSizeInBytes -= getValueSizeInBytes(oldValue);
      return oldValue;

  private int getValueSizeInBytes(V value) {
    return (value == null) ? 0 : mValueDescriptor.getSizeInBytes(value);


public class CountingMemoryCache implements MemoryCache, MemoryTrimmable {
   * Removes the exclusively owned items until the cache constraints are met.

This method invokes the external {@link CloseableReference#close} method, * so it must not be called while holding the this lock. */ private void maybeEvictEntries() { ArrayList> oldEntries; synchronized (this) { int maxCount = Math.min( mMemoryCacheParams.maxEvictionQueueEntries, mMemoryCacheParams.maxCacheEntries - getInUseCount()); int maxSize = Math.min( mMemoryCacheParams.maxEvictionQueueSize, mMemoryCacheParams.maxCacheSize - getInUseSizeInBytes()); oldEntries = trimExclusivelyOwnedEntries(maxCount, maxSize); makeOrphans(oldEntries); } maybeClose(oldEntries); maybeNotifyExclusiveEntryRemoval(oldEntries); } /** * Removes the exclusively owned items until there is at most count of them * and they occupy no more than size bytes. * *

This method returns the removed items instead of actually closing them, so it is safe to * be called while holding the this lock. */ @Nullable private synchronized ArrayList> trimExclusivelyOwnedEntries(int count, int size) { count = Math.max(count, 0); size = Math.max(size, 0); // fast path without array allocation if no eviction is necessary if (mExclusiveEntries.getCount() <= count && mExclusiveEntries.getSizeInBytes() <= size) { return null; } ArrayList> oldEntries = new ArrayList<>(); while (mExclusiveEntries.getCount() > count || mExclusiveEntries.getSizeInBytes() > size) { K key = mExclusiveEntries.getFirstKey(); mExclusiveEntries.remove(key); oldEntries.add(mCachedEntries.remove(key)); } return oldEntries; } }



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