Dead Poets Society

You don't have to perform. Just make it for yourself。

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Dead Poets Society_第1张图片
Dead Poets Society

The film Dead Poets Society was directed by director Peter Weir,in 1988. There are several characters with dinstinct individualities.

The character Mr John Keating is a new teacher there at Welton Academy to teach English literature.The student Todd Anderson is a shy boy who dare not express his plenty heart.The student Neil was a boy who loved acting but finally made a suicide for his father’s opposition.There also exists a character of the head master who is stubborn enough.

The Welton Academy was a traditional and fogyish school. The tradition was not broken until Mr Keating came there.He never teached students in the school’s usual way.He guided his studens think in different way and imagine boldly.The students regrouped the Dead Poets Society,they could read poems they liked or they writed.They began to persuit things they really enjoyed. Unfortunately they were found by school and got punished.

In the night Neil gave his first show in public,his father took him home and warned him not to act anymore inspite of his successful performance.Neil felt hopeless and killed himself.A group member Cameron betrayed the group.The school forced them signing on the notice and passed the buck to Mr Keating.Mr Keating had to leave the school.When he went to the classroom to get his belongs,students stood on desks and said “O Captain,my Captain” to say goodbye to Mr Keating in his way.I believe the seed of chase freedom will always be in their hearts.

First time I saw the name of this film,I didn’t have the desire to watch it.But for my task,I have to do it.In fact,when I see it,I was totally attracted by it.The students there at Welton Academy were taught to learn knowledge in a fusty way,they couldn’t choose what they were interested in.They didn’t have the freedom of their inner heart.But luckily in this film,most students knew what they really loved.

This reminds me of the situation we Chinese students are facing.Mechanical teaching methods and the only evaluation criteria make us like copies.Most of us have forgetten or abondaned our dreams.In this society,you may be laughed when you talk about your dream,and you are advised to be realistic.

Mr Keating is a beam of light shine students’ hearts.He guided them to do things in their own way,not following others.Neil’s death is his last resistance to his parents,to the school.But they didn’t realize that and blame it on Mr Keating.Mr Keating had to leave the school,but his spirit would inspire them all the time.

There is a long way for us to persuit real freedom of thinking.I believe that a intense desire is a seed,it will finally burgeon and boom one day.Before that day,what you should do is to keep your dreams on your mind and work hard on it continually.

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