Peak 刻意练习/读书笔记7

Peak 刻意练习/读书笔记7_第1张图片



其实今天要讲的就是这个问题,我们平时所说的有目的的练习purposeful practice到底还缺少什么?什么才是练习中的黄金标准the gold standard?

所谓的purposeful practice有目的练习,就是一个人有目的的,有反馈的,走出舒适区的。purposeful practice---in which aperson tries very hard to push himself or herself to improve ---and practice that is informed and guided by informed.

然而作为练习黄金标准的刻意练习deliberate practice 却是知道去哪里以及怎么去的(where is going and how to get there)有目的练习。

那么如何来定义这种“刻意练习”deliberate practice呢?其实和purposeful practice(有目的练习)相比,首先,100%严格的刻意练习,需要满足两个外部条件


比如:音乐类(提琴、钢琴...) 舞蹈(芭蕾、拉丁...)体育(篮球、滑冰、高尔夫...)智力(棋类、记忆竞赛...)其他领域(医学、)等等。




Deliberate practice is informed and guided by the best performers 'accomplishments and by an understanding of what these expert performers do to excel.





Peak 刻意练习/读书笔记7_第2张图片

由美国人Noel Tichy提出的理论,图里的3个区可以表示为你想学习的事物的等级:最里面一圈,“舒适区”, 对于你来说是没有学习难度的知识或者习以为常的事务,自己可以处于舒适心理状态。中间一圈,“学习区”,对自己来说有一定挑战,因而感到不适,但是不至于太难受。最外面一圈,“恐慌区”,超出自己能力范围太多的事务或知识,心理感觉会严重不适,可能导致崩溃以致放弃学习。

对于一个人来说,最理想的状态是处于“学习区”,学习具有适当挑战性的东西, 一段时间后,“学习区”会慢慢变为“舒适区”, “舒适区”越变越大, 而一部分的“恐慌区” 也会相应变成“学习区”。

不是在舒适区,是在学习区,这就要求不断的努力超越他现有的能力范围,这就意味着几乎极限的努力,这当然是不令人享受的。Thus it demands near-maximal effort,which is generally not enjoyable.






文中大量篇幅用在完全符合作者所说的符合比较成熟的,易监控的刻意练习领域的音乐领域,比如小提琴以及芭蕾舞领域,当大家所有外部条件都满足,具备领域的专业成熟性,又有权威的导师,学生们有具备有目的练习的各种条件,在这种情况下,大师,优秀和好选手之间的唯一差别就在于练习的时间长短了。No pain,no gain.

Peak 刻意练习/读书笔记7_第3张图片

Peak 刻意练习/读书笔记7_第4张图片


1.disparity  n.不同;不等;差异;悬殊 If there is a disparity between two or more things, there is a noticeable difference between them.

...the great disparity of wealth between rich and poor countries.

2.whizzes  n.1.高手;能手 If you are a whizz at something, you are very good at it.

the key difference between whizzes lies in the details of their training.

She's a whizz at crosswords.

v.2飞驰;嗖嗖地移动 If something whizzes somewhere, it moves there very fast.

A car whizzed past.

He whizzed down the road on his motorbike. do sth very quickly 快速地做;匆匆地干

She whizzed through the work.

3.slapdash adj.马虎的;草率的;鲁莽的;粗心大意的 If you describe someone as slapdash, you mean that they do things carelessly without much thinking or planning.

Whatever methods there are seem slapdash and produce un predictable results.

His work methods appear amazingly slapdash.

He's always slapdash in his work.

4.subset  n.小组;分组;子集 A subset of a group of things is a smaller number of things that belong together within that group.

...these fields have a subset of performers who also serve as teachers and coaches and who...

...subsets of the population such as men, women, ethnic groups, etc

5.versus prep.1.used to compare two different ideas, choices, etc. (比较两种不同想法、选择等)与…相对,与…相比

good versus better versus best

...bottle-feeding versus breastfeeding.

2.(体育比赛中)与…对阵,与…竞争 Versus is used to indicate that two teams or people are competing against each other in a sporting event.

It is France versus Brazil in the final. apples-to-apples comparison  an apples-to-apples这个词组总是和comparion在一起出现,同类的比较,比如比较两个人,你不能把一方的脸和一方的腿做比较,It‘s not an apples to apples of comparion,把两者的脸对比,才是It‘s an apples to apples of comparion

apple-to-apple: comparing like with like.

如果你说甲和乙是两码事,you can say: you are comparing apples with pears. to have an apples -to-apples comarison,we looked at the accumulated amount of practice through age seventeen and the skill at age eighteen. the preteen and teenage years    A pre-teen is a child aged between nine and thirteen.

A person's teens are the period in which they are aged between 13 and 19.

8.hang out  v.闲逛,逗留 If you hang out in a particular place or area, you go and stay there for no particular reason, or spend a lot of time there.

We can just hang out and have a good time.

hang out with

....studying ,shopping ,hanging out with friends....

I also hang out with my friends and with my family.

Hang out with people who inspire you to take action.

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