Lesson 5 The facts

Words and expressions

1. Fire 解雇

Synonyms: sack, dismiss, lay-off, ax, discharge, kiss-off, be given the boot/chop, give sb their cards

2. Originally 起初,原先

Origin 起源,源头

E.g. The origin of species 物种起源

Original 原来的;有独创性的

E.g. An original idea 独到的见解

An original thinker 有创意的人

P.S. 关于原版书,不要说original books,English books就可以了。

3. Yet的用法:

1) 常用于否定句或疑问句中

E.g. Have you eaten your lunch yet?

To have yet to: 尚未

2) 用作连词时,表转折

E.g. He has good appearance, yet he is not kindhearted.

3) 强调次数或数量的增加

E.g. Prices were cut yet again.

4) 表示“早晚,总有一天”

E.g. The best is yet to come.

4. Tabloid 小报

Synonym: Red-top (英国的)红头通俗小报

Antonym: Quality newspaper

5. 倒装句:Not only... but also...

E.g. Not only has my English improved, but also I have to force myself to sleep early.


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