Small Star Blue Unit 5 Lesson 3 Lesson 4




1.目标词汇: one, two, three, four, five


1)接触到的动词:count, wave

2)基本课堂指令:Look!Listen!Come here, Sit down, Stand up/in a circle,  Touch, Circle, Color, Repeat, Open/Close your book, Take out your pencils/crayons, Who wants to be teacher?


---What's this?

---It's a...

How many...?


---What's this?

---It's a (物体).

---How many...? (例句:What's this? It's a car. How many cars? One car.  )


1.运用Flashcards做游戏,熟悉1-5数字的发音2.听光盘Track 25,学习歌曲:Let's count!

Let's count! 歌词:

How many pigs? Five pigs. How many red pigs? Four red pigs. Color four pigs red.

How many blue pigs? One blue pig. Color one pig blue.

How many cows? Three cows. How many yellow cows? Three yellow cows. Color three cows yellow.

How many dogs? Five dogs. How many green dogs. Two green dogs. Color two dogs green. How many blue dogs? Three blue dogs. Color three dogs blue.    How many cats? Four cats. How many red cats? One red cat. Color one cat red. How many yellow cats? Three yellow cats. Color three cats yellow."

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