当年在看《神探夏洛克》时,夏洛克和华生住在伦敦的贝克街 221B。S1E1里讲述了A Study in Pink的故事,“犯罪分子”最后被证明是个“London Cabbie”。夏洛克说只有cabbie会“这个城市的每一个角落穿梭,不会引起你任何注意,却又让你无比信任”。我仍然记得那个“big, black, boxy car” 是怎样在像迷宫一样的街道中穿梭, automotive equivalent of sensibe shoes。
去年这时,我来到伦敦读书。平日出行我很少坐cab。一是住的离学校并不远,而且Central London的街道都很美,适合走路(我就读于UCL,文章中做伦敦的士司机实验的那位神经学科学家Eleanor Maguire是我们学校教授)。二是伦敦交通费太贵,公交、地铁、小火车才是大多数人的出行方式。
唯一一次打车,是一个人跑去泰晤士河对岸和从北京来伦敦玩儿的朋友吃饭。太久没见,相见甚欢,不知不觉就到了晚上11点。今年上半年的伦敦有点乱,而从河对岸到我家下了bus或者tube都需要再走不到10分钟夜路,思前想后我决定打车。这次打车的经历 added so much "wow" to my love for London。
上车之后,我没有直接说我住的具体街道(因为我怕我说了他也不知道),我说我住在Islington,在Angel和Barbican两站地铁之间,想等他开到附近再指路(我在北京时就这么干)。可是他问我具体是哪里,我说了我所住公寓的名字。然后他直接问我,是Sebastian Street那一家还是St John Street那一家。当场我就跪了,他怎么会知道有两座公寓的名字一样、在离的很近的两条街上呢?
一路上极其安静,我一直盯着Google Maps,看着车驶过泰晤士河,驶过牛津街,驶过罗素广场,路线越来越熟悉,我才有点放松。最后3分钟路程的时候,司机突然转了个弯拐到我不熟悉的路上去了,我吃了一惊心想完了完了,在家门口被劫了。还没来得及想身上有多少钱,就发现车停了——公寓门口。司机大哥大概是看出了我的疑惑,主动解释晚上10点以后旁边的路才会允许机动车行驶,这条路过来比较快。车费是33.8磅,我给了40磅,说keep the change, please. And drive safe. 这是我唯一一次主动给小费,而且没心疼。
回了家我还在跟同学感叹London Cabbie太牛了,能把maze一般的伦敦线路烂熟于心,并且是动态记忆,真不是一般人。看了这部分书籍,我又去查阅了先关资料,才发现我当时只说对了一半,他们是牛人,但他们并非不是“一般人”。如此严格且淘汰率高的驾驶考试将没有用功练习、错误练习的人都刷了下去,一遍一遍的purposeful practice发挥出了他们大脑的adaptability。我们惊叹地喊他们一声“活地图”或者 “knowledge boys”,却完全不知道他们曾“经历过些什么”——they spend years driving form place to place in London, making notes of what is where ad how to get from here to there。
320 (best) routes have been repeated, serving as the foundation for their becoming experts.
London cabbie和London bus drivers,同样是在伦敦开车的司机,为什么memory 和navigational skills有如此大的区别呢?训练路径不同、训练目标也不同,一个进行的是purposeful practice,另外一个只是mechanical repetition。如同作者在前面所说,熟练并不会直接导致进步。London cabbie的brain tissue "bulked up",但bus driver的并没有。
文章的第二部分告诉我们,“once a person reached adulthood, the wiring of his or her brain was pretty much fixed”,在某种程度上来讲是错的。确实,我们学新知识新技能一定会遇到阻力。虽然“上限由基因决定”这个论断不假,但“很多人的努力程度还轮不到去拼天赋”。我想我对这句话有了新的认知,那就是“努力”的广阔外延——要投入、要有反馈、要有清晰具体的目标、要有正激励、要有动力、要能跳出舒适圈随时跟自己对抗等。
体育运动中,身体体现出来的adaptability或者plasticity也尤其明显。我从初中800米跑全班倒数第一,全年级倒数前十;读大学时我已经开始参加水平相当于省级的运动会了,800米是强项。(真是巧了,我来伦敦前在国内大学和研究生7年都学的是体育,这篇文章真就像量身定做一样。)同样的 incredible adaptability也存在于在我们的大脑里——new connections wil be built within the brain and new skills will be acquired.
你似乎永远都不知道身体和大脑还留着多少潜能和秘密等待开发和挖掘。intense concentration and effort似乎是开启神秘之门的唯一钥匙。
They curve and they squiggle.
They're ubiquitous— some twenty-five thousand of them driving in their...
ubiquitous是形容词,表示无所不在的,十分普遍的。seeming to be everywhere or in several places at the same time; very common
近义表达:wide-spead; widely-accepted
仿句练习:The ubiquitous pop singer—Jay Chou—came to London in March and performed two concerts.
nothing short of something
The resulting memory and navigational skills are nothing short of astonishing, ...
little/nothing short of something意思是“无异于是,可以说是,近乎于”。You can use it when you are saying that something is almost true, or is equal to something.
weeding-out process
and the extensive testing they went through was nothing more than a weeding-out process that zeroed in on those prospective drivers who were naturally equipped to be able to learn their way around the maze that is London.
weed out意思是清除、淘汰。weeding-out process,指的是淘汰的过程。
zero in on,本指打枪时的瞄准,引申为集中全部的注意力于某处/某人/某事。
仿句练习:Applying for top universities in the USA is definitely a weeding-out process; you need to zero in on language tests and meanwhile improve your academic performance.
翻译小试 (选自Eric文章)
Therefore, we briefly summarize purposeful practice: get out of your comfort zone, be focused to make clear goals and make a plan to achieve those goals, and come up with some method to check your progress.
So here we have purposeful practice in a nutshell: Get outside your comfort zone but do it in a focused way, with clear goals, a plan for reaching those goals, and a way to monitor your progress.
in a nutshell我特别熟悉的一个表达,却没有使用出来。断句有问题,in a focused way这个部分我放到了后半句中。plan to do 还可以表达为a plan for doing。monitor这个动词比我写的check精准得多。