
【Day 7】精句跟读

I keep myself sober while the rest is blind drunk. ——屈原


sober a. 清醒的

blind drunk 酩酊大醉。醉到像瞎子一样。

A best deal makes both the seller and the buyer want an even better deal.     —Howard


even a. 均衡的、平衡的。break even,盈亏平衡

Across from theocean of bitterness, humanity collapsed. I ain't panic for I ain't holdinganything. All I want is to stay young and be able to cry. I hold dear every tiny bit of emotion, just like every grain of rice, through which I touch the truth. I sing to myself on the mountain top and by the river at night I have glowworms be my close company.


across from …对面。

humanity n. 人性

ain't 是RAP中的用语,口语中代替don't,haven't,wasn't

hold dear 珍视,捧在手心,当作很昂贵的东西

emotion 感动

grain 谷物、小麦的一粒

glowworm 萤火虫。glow,闪闪发光;worm,毛毛虫

【Day 7】直播课:小麦老师 ——带你了解纯粹美国口语 Speak like an American

pack parachute behind the scene

stop playing ostrich


bury one's head in the sand 逃避现实

The situation is getting desperate. We can't just bury our heads in the sand and hope the problem will go away.

• World War II might not have occurred if so many nations hadn't buried their heads in the sand during Hitler's rise to power.

• Everyone seems to have their heads buried in the sand while the world is threatened with nuclear disaster.

can't make head or tail of something 完全弄不明白

• I can't make head or tail of this sentence. Can you help me translate it?

• Sally called me, but she was so excited that I couldn't make head or tail of what she was saying. 

• I can't make head nor tail of those instructions on the package.

fall head over heels in love 神魂颠倒

• The moment John saw Mary, he fell head over heels in love with her.

• There are many young couples who fall head over heels in love only to find later that they aren't suited to each other.

• When I was in the second grade, I fell head over heels in love with the little girl who sat behind me.


hang in there 坚持下去

• If we don't hang in there, we're going to lose this game.

• Hang in there, Bill. Don't let her talk you out of it.

• I'll continue to hang in there as long as there is the slightest chance

of success.

get the hang of something 掌握窍门

• I'll get the hang of it pretty soon.

• I haven't gotten the complete hang of it yet.

• It usually takes about a week to get the hang of this machine.

die in harness 殉职

• I love my work, but I'm not going to die in harness. I'm going to retire while I'm still young enough to enjoy it.

• Mr. Horsey died in harness at the age of 69.

• General Green refused to retreat and I'm sure he wanted to die in harness.

a has -been 过时的人/东西

• The singer used to be extremely popular, but now he's just a has-been.

• Many people believe that England, once the most powerful country on earth, is rapidly becoming a has-been.

• Everyone thought that Michael was a literary has-been until his latest book became a best-seller.

be old hat 老掉牙了/不稀奇了

• Nobody listens to the Rolling Stones any more. They're old hat.

• Nowadays having an iPhone is old hat to most of the kids in China.

• When my father was young, studying in Beijing could be big news in town. Things are very different now and it's old hat even to study
