安装mysql server失败

1: Action 20:48:27: INSTALL.

1: 1: MySQL Server 5.7 2: {F08E9C75-A42E-4962-8760-4CBD9CF35D7A}

1: Action 20:48:27: FindRelatedProducts. Searching for related applications

1: Action 20:48:27: AppSearch. Searching for installed applications

1: Action 20:48:27: LaunchConditions. Evaluating launch conditions

1: This application requires Visual Studio 2013 Redistributable. Please install the Redistributable then run this installer again.

1: 1: MySQL Server 5.7 2: {F08E9C75-A42E-4962-8760-4CBD9CF35D7A} 3: 3

1: The action 'Install' for product 'MySQL Server 5.7.19' failed.

注意 :

This application requires Visual Studio 2013 Redistributable. Please install the Redistributable then run this installer again.

但是安装了,发现没用,stackoverflow有人说装32位的Visual Studio 2013 Redistributable可以,一试,真行,坑货。。。。。。。。

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