一周精华热词汇总(2018.9.24-2018.9.30)by 中国高翻团队


by 中国高翻团队



1. 预算绩效管理 budget performance management 

预算编制、执行和监督(budget preparing, execution and supervision)

现代财政制度 modern fiscal system

财税改革 fiscal and taxation reform

国家治理体系 national governance system

优化财政资源配置 optimize fiscal resource distribution

提升公共服务质量 improve public service quality

2. 双创升级版  upgraded mass entrepreneurship and innovation

质量强国、制造强国 manufacturer of advanced and quality products

众筹平台 crowdfunding platform

普惠金融 inclusive finance

大众创业、万众创新 mass entrepreneurship and innovation

精准扶贫脱贫 targeted poverty alleviation

放管结合(keep a right balance between delegation and the exercise of control)

释放创新创业活力(inject vitality into innovation and entrepreneurship)

简政放权(administration will be further streamlined and more power will be delegated to lower level departments)

3. 富时罗素指数  FTSE Russell index

入摩(MSCI inclusion)

富时全球股票指数体系(FTSE Global Equity Index Series, GEIS)

次级新兴市场( Secondary Emerging Market)

大、中、小股票(large-, mid- and small-cap stocks)

海外资金(overseas capital)

险资(insurance funds)

公募基金(public offering fund)

债券指数 bond indexes

国际投资者 global/international investor

沪港通 Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect

资金流出 capital outflow

市场波动性 market volatility

4. 地球卫士奖   Champions of the Earth Award

自然环境 natural environment

绿色产业 green industry

绿色能源 green power/energy

生态文明 ecological civilization

环境污染 environmental pollution

环保意识 environmental awareness 

低碳生活方式 low-carbon lifestyle

5. 最佳外语片  Best Foreign Language Film

原著 original work

动作片 action movie

武侠片 swordsmen film, martial-arts movie

音乐歌舞片 musical

古装剧 costume drama

催泪片 tear-jerker

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