100 Day Plan

“Whateveryou do, you always only have 3 minutes’ passion and give up at last.” It is asentence my mum always talks to me. And my response is always “heihei”. BecauseI have nothing to debate to this sentence.

With thetime to grow up, I have given up almost hundreds of interest or ideas. Don’t Ido not want to be successful, I think the answer is definitely no. I want, andI hope I can do something to fulfill my value and responsibility.

But there is

always a weakness, like your enemy, we call it “indolence”. It is easily to pull you out ofyour ideality.

So when I realizeit, I want to win the game with indolence. And then by the introduction of afriend, I find a tool, we call it “100 Day Plan”.

What isthat? It is using 100 day to insist one or two stuff you really thinks it ismeaningful. You use the chart to monitor yourself and do it every day. After100 day, you will use to it and do it naturally.

When I hearabout the plan, I am so excited and want to do it immediately.

So what canI do?

1stPart: English Learning

1, Read VOEeveryday in our wechat group.

2, Learn 10new English word everyday.

3, Listen anEnglish news/Ted Talk/ TV Show everyday.

Why I planto study English again?

There is plenty

of stories when I am traveling in the US. When I am in the restaurant and

having dinner with my friend, I want to some番茄酱to have potato chips. However, I do

not know how to speak it in English, so I just say tomato source. And you know

what, the waitress is looking for tomato in the kitchen, and then my friend

learns that the waitress must understand wrongly. So she helped me to ask番茄酱, and the correct word is “ketchup”.

There are alot of stories like this, for example, in Starbucks,I want a盖子, and the English name is lid instead

of cover. The size is tall instead of high. When I want牙签, I forget “toothpick”. And then Irealize if you do not keep using a language, you will lose the languagesomeday. I do not want this, because I only know English. So that is my firstplan.

2ndPart: Reading&Summarizing

1, Read onearticle/day

2, Write onarticle/day

3, Have atraining/ week

For reading,if we do not input new ideas, I think I am out of date and lose the path withthe outside world. When we read a book, I use a very cheap price to receive theexperience from the successful person. Why I do not do this? When I meet the difficulties,I get the power from the book, when I need some guidance, I receive the pathfrom the book.

For writing,if we want to do a CC speech, can we do it immediately if we do not collectidea from our daily life? If we want to have our experience, we can write itdown. If we want to run some business, the bestselling strategy is always inour daily observation.

3rdPart: Exercising&Entertainment

1, Go to thegym 100 times

2, Play theguitar 20 minutes/day

When youmind is healthily grow, you definitely needs your body grow up together. So goto the gym and practice is also my important plan to insist.

I havedecided to play the guitar for a long time. But I still cannot play a wonderfulsong until now. Because I do not practice, so it is also needs persistence aswell.

At last,what I want to say is that when we are playing with the mobile, or laying onthe sofa. We can do it for rest, definitely we can do it. But if we do iteveryday, we are losing our time. How to spend your time will decides what lifeyou will have. So when I look back to my 5 years ago or 10 years ago, I think Ilose so much time and waste my life. But there is another sentence that it isnever too late to start. So I really recommend everyone to cherish your time,accustom healthy habit. It will change to your wealth through times, and itjust belongs to yourself.

So pleaselet’s start it from tonight and let’s see what will change after 100 days.

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