小太阳 写作第四天 2015-12-08 语料


an essential ingredient for

a perspective on

Effective communicating is an essential ingredient for building a successful team.


15.1、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

People holding different views cannot achieve success as a team.

【 2010.2.13】


1091、grapple with 努力对付,尽力克服(困难)=wrestle with

*Leaders have been grappling with the issue of how to defuse conflicts and maximize individual capacity in a team.领导们一直都在努力消除分歧,将团队的个人能力最大化。

*The government has yet to grapple with the problem of air pollution. 政府还在尽力克服空气污染的问题。

Everyone in the world is unique. We must grapple with the issue of defusing conflicts and maximize individual capacity in a team.

*1092、an essential ingredient for… 是...的关键

*Teams have always been, and will always be, an essential ingredient for building a successful business. 团队一直都是而且还将会是一个公司成功的必要要素。

*Mutual trust is an essential ingredient for friendship. 互相信任是友谊的一个关键要素。

Holding different views is an essential ingredient for future's growth of the team.

1093、complement one another 互补

*Leaders need to not only match employees’ skills to the tasks of the project but also identify personalities that complement one another.领导需要不单单将雇员的能力和项目的任务匹配,还要识别出互补的不同人群。

*To build a team, you would need a blend of talent that can complement one another. 在组建团队的时候,你需要各种不同的能互相补足的人才。

Emlpoyees can complement on another if they hold different views.

*1094、a perspective on 关于...的视角

*People with varied experience will provide a broad perspective on your project. 拥有不同阅历的人能给你的项目提供宽广的视角。

*By incorporating people with different backgrounds to your team, you can gain a fresh perspective on how to tackle obstacles.通过吧不同背景的人整合到你的团队中来,你能获得关于如何克服困难的全新视角。

People with varied experience will provide a broad perspective on your project.

*1095、there is no such thing as

*There is no such thing as a inferior idea, so every team member should be entitled to their own opinion. 没有想法是劣等的,每个队员都应该有权抒发自己的想法。

*There is no such thing as a wrong question, so you shouldn’t hesitate to ask when you feel confused in class.没有错误的问题这一说,你在课上有疑惑的时候不要犹豫提问。

There is no such thing as a absolute correct.

1096、remain open to sth. 对...保持开放

*Facilitating communication does not mean holding meetings all the time. Instead, it means setting an example by remaining open to suggestions and concerns. 促进沟通并不是意味着一直开会。它意味的是通过对建议和关心保持开放的心态来梳理一个榜样。

*By asking questions and offering help, leaders can remain open to unconventional and innovative ideas.通过问问题和提供帮助,领导能对于新想法保持开放的心态。

Leaders can remain open to unconventional and innovative ideas.

1097、conduct experiment/research/debate

*Having people of different views on a team isn’t a bad thing, because you will have opportunities to conduct open debates about the pros and cons of proposals. 有不同意见的人在一个团队里也不是个坏事儿,因为你有机会进行公开的辩论来探讨提议的利和弊。

*When conducting experiments, a research team needs to take all possibilities into consideration. 当做实验的时候,一个科研团队需要各所有的可能性都考虑到。

When conducting experiments, a rearch team needs to take all possibilities into consideration.

1098、bounce ideas off sb 征求他人意见

*The best brainstorming happens when you have the opportunity to bounce ideas off others.当你有机会试探别人对你的想法的意见时,最好的集体讨论就发生了。

*Taking a team from ordinary to extraordinary means remaining open to suggestions and bouncing ideas off teammates. 把一个团队从普通带到卓越就意味着对建议保持开放的心态,而且多征求队友的意见。

Taking a team from ordinary to extraordinary means reamaining open to suggestions and bouncing ideas off teammates.

1099、cater to 迎合;为…服务

*Leaders should take it upon themselves to cater to all tastes and ensure customer satisfaction. 领导应该把迎合所有口味和保障顾客满意度作为自己的责任。

*When you take different preferences into account, your brand stand a better chance of catering to more needs and enlarging the customer base. 当你考虑到不同喜好的时候,你的品牌更容易迎合客户需求打开顾客群。

When you take a broad perspective into account, your brand stand a better chance of catering to more needs and enlarging the customers base

1100、embrace change 欣然接受改变

*You should embrace change as an opportunity rather than a threat.拥抱变化,把它当作机会而不是威胁。

*It’s important for people in a position of authority to motivate the entire team to embrace change. 领导激励整个团队拥抱变化是很重要的。

You should embrace change as an opportunity rather than a threat.

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